舌尖上的中国第1季 第27期:转化的灵感(1)(在线收听

 Taste is more important than anything else as far as food is concerned anyway. 在吃的法则里风味重于一切。

The Chinese have never restricted themselves to a certain tedious food list. 中国人从来没有把自己束缚在一张乏味的食品清单上。
With their understanding of food, the Chinese are always looking for an inspiration for change. 人们怀着对食物的理解在不断地尝试中寻找着转化的灵感。
Once the clouds clear up, Yao Guiwen moves the split-bamboo baskets to the terrace. 天一放晴,姚贵文就把竹匾搬到天台上。
He and his wife have spent days making the tofu balls. 这些豆腐球是他和妻子几天的劳动成果。
Some tofu has already turned yellowish. 有些豆腐已经略显微黄。
But that's far from enough. 但这种程度的改变远远不够。
Yao has to wait several more days. 姚贵文还要再耐心等待几天。
When it gets hard and shriveled and the skin turns black, then the tofu has matured. 干瘪坚硬以及黑褐色的表皮才是成熟的标志。
The change is because of fermentation. 这种变化,来自于自然发酵。
Wang Cuihua tightly wraps the shapeless tender tofu with gauze and squeezes out the water. 王翠华用小块的纱布把不成形的嫩豆腐紧紧包里起来,挤压出水分。
The tofu finally takes shape. 豆腐才会成型。
There is no time to lose. 如果不抓紧时间。
The fresh tofu will quickly turn sour. 新鲜的豆腐很快就会变馊。
It means Wang has to work very quickly without rest. 这意味着她必须包得飞快并且没有时间休息。
A basin of charcoal fire of proper heat will be the key to Yao's work in the afternoon. 一盆烧得恰到好处的炭火是姚贵文下午工作的关键。
Jianshui in Honghe Prefecture of Yunnan Province was named Lin'an in ancient times. 位于云南红河地区的建水古城古称临安。
It was once an important city in southwest China during the past 1200 years. 在1200年间,一度是中国西南的重镇。
Its brilliance has gradually faded with the passage of time. 如今,时间已经让炫目的荣耀褪色。
Just like many other towns in Yunnan, Jianshui is a multi-ethnic settlement. 和云南的许多小城一样建水是一个多民族的聚居地。
Different cultures have merged here, conjuring a unique atmosphere. 各种文化的掺杂形成了特有的氛围和格局。