舌尖上的中国第1季 第89期:五味的调和(11)(在线收听

 About one thousand years ago, war and famine forced the Hakka ancestors to depart from China's central plains, embarking on a collective southward migration. 上溯千年,因战乱和饥荒 客家人的祖先从中原腹地出发 开始陆续大规模南迁

One of the tribes eventually settled in the mountains in south China. 最终定居在南方山区那一支
Throughout their long, strenuous travels,salt is their only means to preserve food. 在漫长而艰辛的旅途中能帮他们保存和贮藏食物的只有盐
Their attachment to saltiness was then engraved on their genes,and became the primary inspiration of their cuisine. 这种高度依赖于盐的饮食习惯 也成为他们的味觉基因 一代一代流传下来 并变幻出无尽的美味
Liu and his wife are expecting the birth of their second child. 阿刘和妻子小勤的第二个孩子即将降生
Less than 10,000 yuan per year,Liu's income from making salt is far from enough to support the household. 晒盐的收入微薄 一年不到一万元
So he takes on extra jobs as an electrician and a fisherman. 阿刘还要做电工和捕鱼贴补家用
Most of his fellow villagers have worked away from home. 村子里的人大多外出打工
Large tracts of brine pans have gone wasted.But Liu chose to stay. 大片的盐田已经荒废 阿刘依然选择留守
Salt distillation is a legacy. 盐是历史
So after all, I am protecting this legacy. 说来说去我们是保护历史
Of course I can choose to find a job in other places. 我可以去外面去给人家打工
That's way I will for sure make more money. 赚多一点点
Making salt is very demanding physically. 辛苦是必然的啦
But as long as my work can pay off,I'm willing to do it. 只要辛苦有这样的回报 我就不怕