舌尖上的中国第1季 第92期:五味的调和(14)(在线收听

 But acidity is not the only taste that can increase appetite. 除了"酸" 还有一种味道可以增进人类的食欲

Spiciness can also do the same job. 那就是"辣"
The paths in the mountain become slippery after a night of rain. 刚下过一夜雨,山路很滑
Hu Suqiong and her family begin a hard day's work. 素琼一家开始了一天的劳作
They have to send the chili peppers to the market in the early morning. 夫妇俩要赶在天亮之前把地里的辣椒送到早市上
As winter comes,the chili peppers become less fleshy. 进入冬季辣椒已不像刚成熟时那样鲜嫩肥厚
But people's passion for them remains unchanged. 但这并不影响人们对它的热情
Hu is Suqiong a vegetable farmer and also the backbone of her family. 素琼是个菜农也是绝对的一家之主
There are many women like her in Sichuan. 在四川,许多妇女都像素琼这样
The people with a cheerful, tough and decisive temperament are depicted as "spicy" in China. 开朗、坚韧、果断 汉语里 人们用"泼辣"来形容这种性格
At the end of the 15th century,Christopher Columbus brought chili peppers from America to Europe. 15世纪末 哥伦布的海船把辣椒从美洲带回欧洲
Some 100 years later, they were introduced to China. 100年多后这种能散发出奇异气味的植物辗转来到了中国
The climate in the Sichuan Basin is humid and rainy. 四川盆地气候潮湿,多阴雨
People there love the intensity and pungency of chili peppers. 正需要辣椒的刚猛热烈
Strictly speaking, spiciness is not a matter of taste,but a burning sensation in the mouth. 严格地说:"辣"并不属于味觉而是口腔的一种焦灼感