舌尖上的中国第1季 第95期:五味的调和(17)(在线收听

 Another fantastic form of chili pepper is Broad Bean Chili Paste. 辣椒的另一个华丽转身 同样凝结了四川人浓厚的乡情

It is also something that permeates the memory of all the Sichuan people. 这就是用一种高产的豆科植物做的辣椒酱 四川人称之为"豆瓣"
Granny Chen is putting fermented broad beans into minced fresh red peppers. 陈婆婆把霉好的蚕豆瓣 倒入剁碎的新鲜红辣椒里
She has to seize every minute to ferment and dry the paste on sunny days. 她要抓紧时间调味趁着好天气晾晒发酵
Every year, she would make a jar of broad bean chili paste for each of her children. 每年,陈婆婆都要给自己的子女们每人准备满满的一坛
It tastes good. 香了,味道可以
The paste is fermenting quietly in the jars. 馒子里静静地发酵
It will be ready to enjoy soon. 美味的辣酱即将大功告成
Such chili paste, fragrant, spicy,yet not very pungent,is a very important seasoning in Sichuan cuisine. 四川辣酱鲜辣浓香辣味温和敦厚是川菜依赖的重要调味料
It enhances not only the flavor, but also the color and aroma of dishes. 用来炒菜,提色生香
Tofu is plain in taste while chili paste is intense and aromatic. 豆腐的寡淡与辣酱的浓香之间
Such sharp contrast can best engage and stimulate all our senses. 形成的强烈对比最能调动起我们的全部感官
Such enjoyment, which happens when the hot,smooth and inexplicable texture of tofu passes by the tip of the tongue, 那种滚烫的、滑嫩的质感 划过舌尖、流向喉头的享受正是四川菜得以
is the very alchemy with which Sichuan cuisine has charmed foodies. 征服全中国乃至世界的绝技