舌尖上的中国第1季 第96期:五味的调和(18)(在线收听

 If pickled pepper and broad bean chili paste embody Sichuan people's creative use of chili pepper, 如果说泡椒和豆瓣是四川人对辣椒的创造性使用

then we have to acknowledge that the numbing spicy flavor 那么真正让川菜风靡中国的
whose popularity has swept China is the most remarkable creation they've made with this imported plant. 是迷人的麻辣 这是四川人对辣椒最为卓越的创造
Sichuan pepper is native to China. 花椒原产中国
It's one of the most traditional spices in China. 是最传统的调味料
The numbing spicy flavor is exclusive to Sichuan cuisine. 麻辣味是川菜独有的味型
Today, Liu cooked Fish Fillet with Green Peppercorns,a timeless classic of Sichuan cuisine. 老刘今天做的藤椒鱼 就是川菜中麻辣味的经典菜
He believes only with the most authentic ingredients produced in Sichuan can he bring out the very best of this dish. 他觉得,只有回到本乡本土用最地道的原料自己才做得出如此完美的味道
If you want to find a better example of the perfect match-up between chili pepper and Sichuan pepper,you have to go to Chongqing. 要想找到辣椒与花椒 结合得更好的范例需要到另一个城市
The dried red chili is the protagonist of the Chongqing hot pot. 红亮的干辣椒是重庆麻辣火锅的主角
Dried chilies are cut into segments and mixed with many other seasonings 每一颗干辣椒都要剪成段与各种调味料一起
to prepare for the richly-flavored soup base. 炒制成味道浓厚的火锅底料
In Chongqing, all the hot pot restaurants have their own secret recipes for the soup base. 在重庆,每家火锅店都有自己炒制底料的秘方
Diners can choose from a variety of them according to their own preferences. 每个重庆人都能根据自己的喜好调整火锅的口味
You are what you eat. 他们的性格也如麻辣火锅般
The Chongqing people are mostly outspoken and quick-tempered. 率真泼辣、风风火火
The selection of spices, the preparation of soup base, 从原料、汤料的采用到烹调技法的配合
the culinary techniques and the thoughtful combination of ingredients of different tastes and textures... 麻辣火锅使荤与素、生与熟 麻辣与鲜甜、清香与醇厚
It is these attributes that make hot pot a perfect embodiment of the Chinese cooking philosophy of equilibrium. 恰如其分地结合在一起这也正是中国人对五味调和的理解