生活英语听力文章 第35期:投资技巧(在线收听

 Hi!everybody, this is Tod Smith with Little Things Matter.The title of today's lesson is My Top Investment Tip 大家好。我是托德·史密斯为您讲述“小事也重要”。今天的题目是我最好的投资技巧

Little Things Matter was created to teach you all the little things that I believe are necessary for achieving personal and profession success.  “小事也重要”节目的宗旨是教给大家我认为在取得个人或者职业生涯成功的必要的小事。
One of the keys to enjoy personal success is to be smart with how you invest your money. 取得个人成功的关键之一在于明智投资。
Over the last couple of years I have seen far too many people I know personally lose ALL of their money.  在过去的几年中,我看到太多的我了解的人个人失去了他们所有的钱。
In some cases, their net worth was in the millions and they lost everything- even their marriages. 在某些情况下,他们的净资产是数百万,他们失去了一切,甚至婚姻。
One of the best ways to learn how to be successful is to observe the behavior of others. 学习如何成功最好的方法之一是观察他人的行为。
There is a lot to be gained by analyzing both their good and bad examples.  通过分析他们的好的和坏的例子有很多收获,
When it comes to investments, I have learned a lot more by watching people make bad decisions than good decisions. 当谈到投资,我通过观察人做出糟糕的决策而不是好的决策中学到了很多。
Most of the people I am referring to are in their 40’s and 50’s.  我指的大多数人在40和50岁间的。
Typically, they saved money for years through modest investment strategies and then got too aggressive. 通常,他们多年来通过适度的投资策略存钱,然后玩过火了。
Warren Buffet’s number 1 investment advice: don’t lose money.  股神巴菲特的第一投资建议:不要赔钱。
His number 2 tip is: read number one. While this sounds simple and may be great advice, none of the people who lost everything planned to do so.  他的第二个建议是:遵守上条建议。虽然这听起来很简单,可能是伟大的建议,没有一个人失去了一切计划这么做。
In fact, if you were to ask them what they thought their odds were of losing everything, they would have said ZERO. 事实上,如果你问他们认为导致他们失去一切的什么,他们会说没有。
Most of the people I have described lost their money in Florida residential real estate investments.  我所描述的大多数人失去了他们的钱是在佛罗里达住宅房地产投资。
Their rational for their investment seemed reasonable. Never in recorded history has Florida’s home values declined.  他们理性的投资似乎是合理的。历史上从未有佛罗里达的房屋价值下降。
Given this statistic you can see why so many people had confidence in buying Florida real estate. 鉴于这种统计可以看出为什么那么多人有信心在佛罗里达买房地产。
As a result of the numerous poor investment decisions I’ve made over the years combined with observing the bad investment decisions of others,  结合多年来观察别人的不良投资决策,由于许多失败的投资决策,只要我还活着,
there is one rule that I will NEVER break as long as I live. I will NEVER invest more than 10% of my net worth in any one investment, except for my primary residence. 有一个规则,我永远也不会打破,我永远不会投资超过10%的净值的任何一个投资上,除了我的主要居所。
By capping any one investment at 10% of your net worth, the most you can lose is10% if something terrible happens to that investment.  通过限制任何一个投资你的净资产的10%的投资,如果有可怕的事情发生,最可以失去10%的投资。
My belief in limiting any one investment at 10% is so strong that I have asked my estate-planning attorney to add a clause to my trust documents.  我的信条是通过限制投资超过10%的净利率如此强烈以至于我已经要求我的房产规划律师信托文件添加一个条款。
It provides that in the event of my death, at no time can more than 10% of the assets be invested in any one investment.  它提供了我在世的一些事,没有超过10%的资产可以投资于任何一个投资。
This is my way of making sure my wife and/or children don’t make this serious mistake. 这是我的方式保证让我的妻子和/或孩子不犯这个严重的错误。
I realize this topic is a sensitive one and different from all the other little things I have shared with you so far.  我知道这是一个敏感的话题,不同于到目前为止我已经与你共享其他所有的小事情。
But if this little thing keeps you from losing a large chunk of your hard earned money, this may turn out to be the most important lesson of all. 但如果这小东西会使你失去一大块辛苦挣来的钱,这可能是最重要的一课。
One of the best investment decisions you can ever make is to say NO! 最好的投资决定你能说“不”!