生活英语听力文章 第84期:10个选择决定人生方向(2)(在线收听

 4.What do I want my days to look like? What type of daily routines would you enjoy? 4.我希望我的每一天是什么样子的?你喜欢什么类型的日常活动呢?

From the time you get up to the time you go to bed, what do you want the typical day to look like? 从你起床的时间到你睡觉的时候,你想要的典型的一天是什么样子?
5.What would I enjoy the most? Let loose and make a list of everything that fills you up inside. 5.我最喜欢什么?放松下来,列一个清单,列出所有一切。
What excites you? What energizes you? Where’s your passion? Keep writing until you are done. 什么令你兴奋?什么让你活力四射?你的激情在哪里?继续写,直到你完成。
6.What are my greatest strengths? If your family and friends were asked to describe your most impressive attributes, what would they say? 6.我最大的优点是什么?如果你的家人和朋友被要求描述你最令人印象深刻的特质,他们会说什么?
What do you do better than others? What distinguishes you? What makes you stand out from the crowd? 什么东西让你比别人做得更好呢?你怎么区分?什么让你脱颖而出?
7.In what areas do I have extensive knowledge? In what areas have you spent the most time? Where would you say you have more knowledge than most people? 7.在哪些方面我有广博的知识?在哪些方面你花了最多的时间?你说你比大多数人都拥有了更多的知识,那么在哪里呢?
8.What’s the greatest value I offer to the market? Make a list of every skill, talent, and ability you have; then put a dollar value next to each one. 8.我为市场提供的最大价值是什么?列出所有的技能、天赋和能力,然后在每一项的旁边,填上它的货币价值。
Your goal is to identify where your personal services offer the highest value to the market. 你的目标是,确定你的个人服务提供了最高的市场价值。
9.How much money do I want to make? If you are looking make a major career decision, you must decide how much money you want to make. 9.我想赚多少钱?如果你打算做一个重大的职业决定,你必须决定你想赚多少钱。
Based on where you find yourself today, how important is money to you and how much do you want to earn? 根据你今天对自己的反思和发现,确定钱对你有多重要?你想赚多少钱?
10.What would my criteria be in selecting something new to do? Twenty-one years ago I made a list of what I believed would be the perfect business for me. 10.选择做新的东西时,我的标准是什么?
Then I went on a search, quickly ruling out businesses that didn’t meet my criteria. 21年前,我列了一个清单,我认为对我来说,那将是一个完美的业务。然后我继续探寻,快速排除不符合我的标准的企业。
Finally I found a business that met all 35 points on my criteria list. Making this list was one of the wisest things I have ever done. 最后在我的标准列表里,我发现了一个业务,符合所有35分。做这个列表是我做过的最明智的一件事。
As you process your answers to these questions, ask yourself one more question. 当你处理你这些问题的答案,问自己一个问题。
What are my options? Make a list of every option available to you that aligns with your lists. 我的选择是什么?列出所有符合列表的选择。
After draining your brain of all possible options, review the pros and cons of each option. Consider seeking advice from people you respect. 穷尽你的智慧,找出所有可能的选项后,审查每个选项的优点和缺点。从你尊重的人那里,考虑寻求建议。
You might just discover an unchartered coastline that leads you to your dream destination. 你可能会发现一个让你抵达梦想目的地不规则的海岸线。
Ben Stein said, “The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.” 本斯坦说,“让你获得你想要的生活,必不可少的第一步,是这样的:决定你想要什么。”
Here's my close in advice 以下是我的具体建议
To get crystal clear on what you want to do with your life, be willing to examine your current lifestyle, 清楚生活中你想做什么,愿意检查你现在的生活方式,
ask yourself soul-searching questions, take time to create lists of your choices and goals, and let your sub-conscious mind help form a plan. 自我反省,花点时间来创建你的选择列表和目标,并让你的潜意识思维帮助形成一个计划。
Then move forward to a more rewarding life. 然后向着更有意义的生活前进。