生活英语听力文章 第148期:在聚会里脱颖而出(1)(在线收听

 10 Ways To Stand Out at The Next Party 10个方法让你在聚会里脱颖而出

Since it is Memorial Day weekend and many of you will be spending time with family and friends, I thought you would enjoy a lesson that you can put into practice this weekend. 由于本周末是国家惦念日,很多人会和家人或朋友在一起,所以我想今天给大家上一堂课,让大家在周末都用得上。
For many of you who've been following my daily lessons, some of these points will be a review. 对于每天都听我的课的听众,今天的课程会是一个及时的提醒。
But now I think is a good time to review thses type of points. 但是我认为现在是回顾下这些问题的最佳时机。
One of the themes I keep coming back to is how you can best stand out from the crowd. 我反复提到的话题之一是如何在人群中脱颖而出。
I just find that so few people make the extra effort to do so. 我发现很少人努力做到这样。
In Stand Out From the Crowd I shared how people's respect grows for those who return calls and emails in a timely manner and finish their responsibilities on time. 在《脱颖而出》里我跟大家分享过,及时回复电话和邮件以及按时完成任务会让人们对你的尊敬感油然而生。
Another group of people who really stand out in my mind are those who are intentional about doing the "little things" when they attend dinners, BBQ's and beach parties at our home. 给我留下格外好印象的另外一类人是那些在参加晚宴、烧烤或者在我家参加海滩聚会时那些注重细节的人们。
When my family makes sure to do these same things at other people's homes, our efforts are noticed and appreciated. 而当我们家人去参加别人家举办的这些聚会时我们会注重这些细节,他们会注意到并感激我们的这些做法。
Here are 10 ways you can make a positive impression when you're invited to someone's home for a party. 当别人邀请你去参加聚会时,你有以下10种方法给对方留下一个积极的印象。
Be sure to RSVP-When you receive an invitation to an event, make it a priority to respond to the invitation even if you cannot attend. 尽快回复。每当你收到邀请,如果你不能参加,你首先要做的就是回复对方。
When people send invitations they expect a response in a timely manner. 当人们发出邀请后,他们所期待的就是对方的及时回复。
Don't let your name appear on the unconfirmed list and have your host continue to wonder why you don't show the common courtesy of responding. 不要让你的名字出现在待定名单上,这样你会让主人想为什么她连回复这种基本的礼貌都做不到。
No.2 offer To Come Early-If you have ever hosted an event at your home, you know the amount of planning and preparation that goes into making it special for everyone. 第二,提议提早去。如果你在家中举办过聚会,你就会知道要想筹备一场特殊的聚会会有多繁琐。
If the people hosting the event are close friends or family, then offer to come early to help with the set up. 如果举办聚会的是你亲近的朋友或家人,那么提议自己早点去,可以帮他们布置。
Even if they don't accept your offer, they will appreciate you asking. 及时他们否定了你的提议,他们还是会感激你的好意的。