生活英语听力文章 第177期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(17)(在线收听

 72.Harness the power of your team. 利用团队的力量。

When you are faced with a large project or anything that takes a great deal of time, don't forget about the other members of your team. 当你面对大项目或者其他需要大量时间来完成的工作室,不要忘了你团队中还有其他人。
Consider who you can enlist to help. 考虑好你需要找谁帮忙。
When you provide others with opportunities for participation, it helps them grow and saves you time. 你给别人加入的机会会帮助他们成长同时节省你的时间。
73.Leverage knowledge. 求教。
Don't rely on trial and error for new tasks or projects. 做新的任务或项目不要单单依靠反复的尝试。
Find someone you can learn from who has done it before, or do your research before diving into unfamiliar territory. 向有经验的人寻求帮助,或者在踏入未知领域之前先做一番调查。
74.Break it down. 分解。
All big things are made up of little things. 所有大的事件都是由一件件小事组成的。
Break down large projects into manageable parts that can be readily accomplished. 将大项目细化分解成一个个小的更容易完成的小步骤。
This fuels your fire and improves productivity. 这样能够增强你的自信并提高效率。
75.Avoid working on one project more than three hours. 不要做一个项目超过三个小时。
Working on one thing for a long period of time stifles productivity and reduces the joy and fulfillment you gain from what you do. 长时间做同一件事会降低效率,和你能从中的到的欣慰感和满足感。
Proper planning and not over committing makes this possible. 合理的规划、不钻牛角尖可以避免出现这种情况。
76.Plan for the unexpected. 为计划之外的事情做好准备。
Unexpected tasks are undesirable. They're also inevitable, so don't stretch yourself so thin that something unexpected throws you completely off course. 大家都不希望出现计划之外的任务。但是者不可避免。所以不要把自己的日程塞得太满,以防有什么突发事件让你措手不及。
Build some flextime into your schedule and projects. 日程表和任务表要有一定的灵活性。