美国学生世界地理教材 第36期:扬基人的定居地(2)(在线收听

 And clocks and watches—they make millions of them too, though one clock or one watch should last a person a life time— 他们还生产各种钟表,数量成千万,——尽管一个钟或一块表一个人可用一辈子。

little watches for the wrist and little clocks for mantel pieces and big clocks for clock towers. 有戴在腕上的小手表,也有挂在壁炉架上的小钟,还有挂在钟塔上的大钟,各种品种,应有尽有。
And spools of thread—enough thread is made in one mill in a single day to wind round the World— 产品还有成卷成卷的线——一家工厂一天所生产的线能绕地球一周,
that is, over twenty-five thousand miles of thread in one mill in one day! 也就是相当于两万五千英里!
Where do you spend your vacation? Do you go to the seashore, to the mountains, or “down on a farm”? 你一般在哪里度假呢?去海滩,山上,还是下到农庄?
New England is the vacation land of many people from other parts of the country, because there are so many lakes, waterfalls,  新英格兰是个度假胜地,美国其他地区的很多人都到那儿去度假,因为那里有很多湖泊、瀑布,
and beautiful spots for camps, streams for fishing, and in the Maine woods places for hunting deer and moose.  还有很多风景优美的景点可以野营,有可以钓鱼的小溪流,缅因州的森林里还有鹿和麋可以供人捕猎。