美国学生世界地理教材 第104期:西班牙城堡(3)(在线收听

 The Christians in Spain didn’t like the Moors, so they fought them, and at last the Christians drove the Moors out of Spain,  西班牙的基督徒不喜欢摩尔人,于是和他们交战,最终基督徒把摩尔人赶出了西班牙,

drove them across the Strait of Gibraltar back into Africa whence they had come.  赶过了直布罗陀海峡,赶回到他们的老家,非洲。
The Spanish Queen received Columbus in the Alhambra and bade him good-by before he started out for the New World, but no one now lives there.  西班牙王后在爱尔汗布拉宫接见了哥伦布,并在他起航去寻找新大陆之前为他送行,但现在没有人住在爱尔汗布拉宫。
It is still there on the hill at Granada and Spain keeps it as it once was, so that people may visit it.  它仍然在格拉纳达的山上,西班牙人现在还维持着宫殿的原貌,让游客去参观。
The walls, instead of being plastered or painted, are covered with colored tiles.  那里的墙壁不是粉刷或油漆的,而是贴着彩色的砖块。
The doorways, instead of being square, are shaped like a horseshoe,  门不是方形的,而是马蹄形的,
and its court-yards have splashing fountains and walled-in pools where the Moorish princesses used to bathe instead of in bathtubs. 庭院里有水花飞溅的喷泉和有围墙的水池,过去摩尔公主就是在这里沐浴而不是在浴缸里。
A city in Spain called Seville has a great Cathedral, the second largest church in the World.  西班牙有一个叫做塞维利亚的城市,那里有一个大教堂,是世界第二大教堂,
It was built, of course, after the Moors had been driven out of Spain, as it is a Christian church, built where there once was a Moorish church.  当然是在摩尔人被赶出西班牙之后才建造的,因为这是一个基督教教堂,就建在原来是一个摩尔人教堂的地方。
In this Cathedral are buried what are supposed to be the ashes of Columbus, though we think,  这个教堂里埋葬着据说是哥伦布的骨灰,不过,我们认为那根本不是哥伦布的骨灰,而是他儿子的骨灰。
as I told you before, that they are not his ashes at all, but the ashes of his son, and that his real ashes are in Haiti. 哥伦布的骨灰其实在海地,这些我在前面都介绍过。
Moorish women used to wear veils over their faces.  过去摩尔妇女脸上常戴着面纱。
It was thought immodest for them to go out on the street with their faces uncovered.  如果她们不把脸遮住就外出上街,会被看做是有伤风化。
The Spanish women often wear veils too, but they wear them over their heads instead of hats,  西班牙女子现在也经常戴面纱,但是她们不是遮脸而是戴在头上当帽子用,
and some of the veils made of lace are very beautiful and very costly.  有些装饰面纱非常漂亮,也很昂贵。
They also wear very big and high combs in their hair and bright-colored silk shawls over their shoulders,  她们还在头发上别一把又大又高的梳子,肩上批着色彩鲜艳的丝绸披巾,
and in summer carry beautiful fans, for it gets very warm in Seville 夏天会拿着漂亮的扇子,因为塞维利亚到夏天就很热了
—so warm that during the middle of the day no one goes out-of-doors who doesn’t have to.  ——非常热,所以中午人们尽量不到室外去。
In our country young children take naps during the day, but in Spain grown-ups take naps too,  在我国小孩子白天要小睡一会,但在西班牙成年人吃过午饭后也打个盹,
after their midday meal, only they call a nap by the very pretty name “siesta.” 只是他们给打盹起了个好听的名字叫“午后小睡”。