英语PK台 第16期:自媒体时代的新闻底线(2)(在线收听


Xiao Gao, lately there’s been some news coming out one right after another. It was totally shocking!
Oh? What kind of news was it?
A famous young singer died of cancer. The weird thing is, a few days before she passed away, the news said that she
had already died. What’s even more unbelievable is one of newspapers in an attempt to get an exclusive report, posed
as a doctor’s assistant and went to the hospital to take a picture of her remains.
Oh my god! Are you serious? How could they do something like that?
I kid you not! After they were discovered, they were condemned by Chinese netizens and forced to apologize in the end.
Not only that, their actions hurt others and crossed the moral boundary of news reporting.
In an attempt to get exclusive news, taking secret video and eavesdropping has become common practice for some
media outlets. They do that so they can get a shock from everyone.
Actually, in the West, most media outlets also hire private investigators to get exclusive news. This has also been viewed
as hurting the people’s privacy.
Now the internet has let everyone become their “own news”. But the sad thing is that some people take advantage of this
and create rumors, illegally earn money, spread false information, and carelessly attack others.
Yeah, when we all become our own news outlets, we really should protect the “media boundaries”. We shouldn’t just do
as we please and carelessly hurt others.
I still feel sorry for her. I hope she forgive those people who hurt her while she’s up there in heaven.
I hope something like this never happens again.
New words for dialogue:
One right after another = 接二连三
Exclusive report = 独家报道
Pose as = 假扮
Remains = 遗体
I kid you not = 千真万确
Netizen = 网民
Do as you please = 随心所欲