英语PK台 第76期:宝宝来了!记录生下她的幸福的一天!(2)(在线收听


王颖故事:Being a new Mom
Jessica: 最近你家小宝贝怎样?
Jessica: Hey! How's your baby girl doing these days?
橙子妈:She’s started picking up some words now, how cute they are!
Jessica: What did she say?
橙子妈:I taught her to count from one to ten, but she can just count to two, so she repeated one two one two over and over again.
Jessica: Ah! She's so cute!
橙子妈:Yeah, How time flies ! You know,I’m still feeling like a child, but I have my own kid now.
Jessica: How’s it feel to be a new mother?
橙子妈:The baby doesn't look like me, so I haven’t completely gotten into the role!
Jessica: 看来你家娃确实是她爸的翻版啊~
Jessica: You mean your baby looks more like her dad now?
橙子妈:Yeah, I think so. And to me the scene of giving birth is still clear in my mind.
Jessica: 我能问问,你是顺产还是剖腹产?
Jessica: Would you mind if I 'm asked, did you give birth naturally or have a c-section?
橙子妈:Natural labor without anesthesia, I’m proud of myself!
Jessica: Wow, you’re awesome!
橙子妈:I still remembered the night when I was in my dream, and I started feeling something wrong, and I shook my husband and said ,“Honey, my water broke! ”
Jessica: 你老公一定很紧张吧?
Jessica: Your husband must have freaked out?
橙子妈:是的,我们迅速打车去了医院。一到医院,医生说:“你不知道破水后要叫救护车送过来吗?” 我说:“不知道啊?产检时医生从来没说过呢!”
橙子妈:Yes, he did. And then we rushed to the hospital by taxi. Once we arrived, the doctor said,“ Don’t you know you should have called an ambulance after the water broke?” And I answered,“I didn’t know that, the doctors never told me during the antenatal examination. ”
Jessica: 生孩子疼吗?
Jessica: Did it hurt when giving birth?
橙子妈:Needless to say! The doctor said to other pregnant mothers , “Stop crying, you are disturbing the babies.” On hearing this, I promised myself that I will be quiet no matter how hard it is to bring an attitude of bravery and optimism to my baby.
Jessica: Did you have a smooth delivery ?
橙子妈:Pretty fast! It only took a little over than 40 minutes.The baby came out co-operatively, because my husband stayed by my side, I gave birth smoothly. And then the doctor held the baby and asked me “Guess a boy or girl?”“It’s a girl” I answered.
Jessica: The baby is so cute, when will you have another one?
橙子妈: Someday probably, but I am not ready for that now. I am still enjoying being a mom! I just wanna say:Thank you my baby girl, thank you for having me be your mother. I really appreciate it.
New words for dialogue:
How's it feelto(do)=(问句)做某事感觉如何?
Anesthesia = 麻药
C-section = 剖腹产
My water broke = 我破水了
Freak out = to become really worried 焦虑、紧张
Give birth to ababy=生孩子、生产、分娩
Smooth delivery =顺利的生产过程