英语PK台 第145期:那些男孩女孩的小心思(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Xiao Gao, how's everything going with you and Jennifer?
Xiao Gao: I'm not sure, she seems pretty happy, but she never says what's on her mind, so I don't know if she's really happy or not.
Jingjing: Well, if she seems happy, then she probably is happy, just leave it at that. Girls don't want to be read like a book.
Xiao Gao: Since you're a girl, can you give me some pointers on what girls want from a guy?
Jingjing: For starters, you should be a man of your word and always tell the truth.
Xiao Gao: I know that, anything else?
Jingjing: Also, girls don't like it if their boyfriends have too many friends who are girls.
Xiao Gao: But I'm a people person and have lots of friends, both guys and girls!
Jingjing: Maybe you should cut back on spending time with other girls.
Xiao Gao: There's no way I could do that! Are you crazy?
Jingjing: Hey, you're the one who asked me for advice, remember? Besides,put yourself in her shoes, how would you feel if she had a lot of guy friends?
Xiao Gao: Yeah, you're right, I never thought about that… Okay, I'll be quiet now.
1. say what's on your mind = 告诉某人你在想什么
2. Just leave it at that. = 说到这儿吧; 就这么简单,无需多解释。
3. read (someone) like a book = 可以准确猜透某人的心思或心情
4. pointers = 小建议
5. for starters = first of all 首先 (口头语)
6. man of one's word = 遵守承诺的人
7. people person =人缘好的人;善交际的人
8. cut back = 少做某事
9. No way. = 绝对不会。
10. put yourself in (someone's) shoes =站在别人的立场上看问题
11. guy friends = 男性朋友,不是“男朋友”
12. I'll be quiet now. = 我收回之前说的话;我之前错了 (口头语; 多用于当某人意识到自己以前说过的话并非事实的情况)。