英语PK台 第262期:欧美人的乔迁聚会(在线收听


  (Jing Jing and Xiao Gao are planning the house warming party)
  JJ: Xiao Gao, how's the guest list coming along?
  XG:It's pretty good, I've already thought of 30 people who we should invite.
  JJ:I think you should limit the guest list, after all we're on a tight budget. Hosting so many people could be really expensive.
  XG:You're right. What about invitations? Maybe we should use social media instead of paper invitations in order to cut down on costs.
  JJ:Good idea, and make sure you request an RSVP so that we can plan for food and drinks better.
  XG:Speaking of food, I think we should have a lot of finger foods that people can munch on while they mingle.
  JJ:I was thinking we should hire a catering service to provide our food. That way we can focus on decorating our new home. We want it to look nice when the guests arrive.
  (At the party,Xiao Gao and Jing Jing play the part of two guests who don't know each other)
  XG:Great party, huh?
  JJ:Yeah, it sure is! The music is great, and the food is even better.
  XG:So, who do you know here?
  JJ:I'm Jing Jing's friend. We went to school together.
  XG:Oh cool. Xiao Gao and I are on the same basketball team.Nice to meet you. I'm Bob, by the way.
  JJ:I'm Jennifer. Nice to meet you too. Did you get to go on a tour of the place yet? It's such a nice home. I'm so happy for them.
  XG:Yeah, I'm surprised at how much space they have. Anyways,would you like to go grab some refreshments? I see you're almost done with your drink. The turkey is splendid.
  JJ:I'm a vegan, so I don't eat meat. But I'll join you for some more spirits.
  XG:Do you think I could get your phone number? You seem like a really cool person. We're always looking for more members on our basketball team. It's open to both guys and girls. Think you'd be interested?
  JJ:Oh yeah, for sure! My number is…
  New words for dialogue:
  How's [something] coming along? = [something] 过得怎么样?(还没有结束)
  Guest list = a list of people who are invited to an even tor party 派对邀请名单
  On a tight budget = don't have a lot of money to spend 预算紧张
  Invitation = 邀请函
  Social media = 社交媒体
  Cut down on costs = reduce spending 减少开支
  RSVP = Répondez s'il vous plait(French for “please respond”) 敬请回复
  Speaking of [something] = 说起[something]
  Finger foods = foods that are convenient to eat with yourhands 能用手拿着吃的方便食物
  Mingle = to socialize 陌生人之间的社交
  Catering service = a service that provides food for anevent or party 为特定活动提供餐饮服务
  Refreshments = snacks at an event 零食
  Splendid = 非常好
  Vegan = 严格素食主义者
  Spirits = liquor 酒
  For sure! = 当然!