英语PK台 第276期:从ABC开始扔掉字幕看《老友记》(63)(在线收听


  Chandler: You wanna tell secrets? Okay! Okay! In college, Ross used to wear leg warmers!
  Ross: All right! All right! Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice look-a-like contest and won!
  Chandler: Ross came in fourth and cried!
  Monica: Oh, my God!
  Ross: Oh, is that funny? Oh, you–you find that funny? Well maybe Chandler should know some of your secrets, too!
  Monica: I–I already told him everything! You shush!!
  Ross: Once Monica was sent to her room without dinner, so she ate the macaroni off a jewelry box she'd made.
  Monica: Ross used to stay up every Saturday night to watch Golden Girls!
  Ross: Monica couldn't tell time 'til she was 13!
  Monica: It's hard for some people!
  Chandler: Of course it is. Wow—whoa!
  Monica: Chandler one time wore myunderwear to work!
  Chandler: Hey!!!