英语PK台 第284期:年轻护士梦想与现实的抉择(在线收听


  XG: Hey, Jing Jing,why do you look so vexed?
  JJ: I've come to a fork in the road, I don't know what to do. Can you give me some advice?
  XG: Sure, I'll trymy best. What's up?
  JJ: Well, I've been working as an RN at an ICU unit for the past four years, but I feel like I've hit a plateau. It's the same thing over and over, the night shift is really taking a toll on me. But three years ago, a teacher got me thinking, and I started to look into nursing overseas. I began to study professional English with the hopes of one day working as a nurse abroad.
  XG: It sounds like a no-brainer.What's holding you back?
  JJ: I took a test in Singapore from the SNB and passed with flying colors. Just as I was about to make my next move, my parents and boyfriend complained that I shouldn't go abroad to be a nurse. They're worried that I won't be able to adapt to the way of life and work environment over there. And once I go to work abroad, I'll lose my job here in China. My parents don't have really high expectations of me, they've never demanded that I find a super high paying job. As long as I am near their side they'll be happy.
  XG: Well I thinkt hat might be the problem right there. Look at what you're saying: it will make your parents happy if you stay at the same hospital. Did they ever consider what would make you happy? If you've studied English so hard and are able to pass the Singapore test, why should they be worried about you not being able to adapt to life abroad?
  JJ: What they don't know is, Singapore was just my first step. My ultimate goal is to go to America to work as an RN. I'm confused about that too. Should I first use Singapore as a stepping stone and work there for a bit, or should I go directly to the United States to work?
  XG: That's a tough call. Considering you're only 27 years old, you're still young and can do many things. If you wait any longer, you might miss your chance. I think going to Singapore first would be a good idea because you can prepare for what it feels like to work abroad. You might also learn important skills there that will help you when you go to the United States to work. I'm 32 years old. I'm preparing to start my second Master's degree. I had to make this decision on my own.Taking a risk and coming to China was the best decision I 've ever made in my life.
  JJ: Okay, I'm starting to feel better now. But what if I can't find a job anywhere?
  京晶: 好,我感觉好多了,那如果我到处都找不到工作呢?
  XG: Unless people stop becoming sick, you'll be able to find a job as a nurse anywhere on Earth. Good luck to you!
  New words for dialogue:
  Vexed = annoyed 心烦意乱的
  Come to a fork in the road = be in a position where you must make a tough decision 人生做重要决定的关口
  Hit a plateau = to be unable to make any more progress 到达瓶颈处
  Night shift = 夜班
  Take a toll on = tiring 疲惫的
  Get one thinking = 启发
  Look into = 研究一下
  No-brainer = requiring no thought; an easy decision 不需要费脑子的决定
  Hold [one] back = make [one] hesitate 让人犹豫不决
  Pass with flying colors = (of tests) to get a very high score on a test 考出高分
  Stepping stone = 垫脚石
  Tough call = a hard decision 艰难的决定