英语PK台 第313期:奥运新闻之里约泳池炸出的恩怨(在线收听

   No apology : Fury in China after Australian calls swimmer a drug cheat

  Australia has refused to apologize after an Olympic swimmer sparked outrage by accusing China's Sun Yang of being a "drug cheat." Speaking to the media after beating Sun by a mere. 16 of a second to win the 400m freestyle gold , Mack Horton described his win as one "for the good guys."
  The Australian's comments sparked fury in China after an emotional Sun broke down in the post-race press conference, accusing Horton of deliberately trying to psych him out. A hashtag "Sun Yang Don't Cry" quickly went viral on the Chinese web, and Horton's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts were flooded with comments attacking him and demanding he apologize to Sun.
  这名澳大利亚运动员的言论引起了中国网民的愤怒,在赛后的新闻发布会上,孙杨情绪激动地指责霍顿故意在心理上试图使他崩溃。一个名为“孙杨不哭”的标题迅速在中国互联网传播开来,霍顿的脸书,推特和instagram 被攻击要求其向孙杨道歉。