英语PK台 第337期:希拉里"健康门"沸沸扬扬(在线收听

  Clinton, show us the real you
  The media storm around Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's "stumble," which was due to heat exposure while she suffers from walking pneumonia, highlights the double standard being applied to Clinton and Trump in terms of transparency and fitness to lead.
  围绕着民主党总统候选人希拉里由于轻度肺炎和中暑所引发的“跌倒风波”引起的媒体风暴凸显了希拉里与特朗普两人在健康及透明度上的双重标准。Clinton's stumble should cause us, as citizens and as human beings, to pause as well. Has the onslaught of messages of hate and division during this campaign damaged us so much as a nation that we can't cross party lines to offer healing thoughts and sympathy for a 68-year-old individual who simply pushed herself momentarily beyond her limit? Jeers and jubilant speculation that Clinton might have Parkinson's or some other disease don't seem the right reactions to the video footage of the event.
  Clinton's stumble was a lucky thing for Trump. It played right into a mainstay of his strategy: to delegitimize her by claiming she's weak of body and mind. He's made Clinton's health an issue, while keeping his own health information secret, other than a strangely worded letter from his doctor that raised more questions than it answered. Greater transparency might seem risky to her campaign, as it will undoubtedly bring greater attacks. It will also help to increase what Clinton needs most at this point: the American public's trust.