英语PK台 第364期:恋爱要配对,相处要慢爱,成家要有爱(在线收听

   1. I study the biology of personality, and I've come to believe that we've evolved four very broad styles of thinking and behaving, linked with the dopamine, serotonin, testosterone and estrogen systems. So I created a questionnaire directly from brain science to measure the degree to which you express the traits—the constellation of traits—linked with each of these four brain systems. Fourteen million or more people have now taken the questionnaire.

  And as it turns out, those who were very expressive of the dopamine system tend to be curious, creative, spontaneous, energetic. They’re drawn to people like themselves. People who are very expressive of the serotonin system tend to be traditional, conventional, they follow the rules, they respect authority, they tend to be religious—religiosity is in the serotonin system—and traditional people go for traditional people. In that way, similarity attracts.
  In the other two cases, opposites attract. People very expressive of the testosterone system tend to be analytical, logical, direct, decisive, and they go for their opposite: they go for somebody who's high estrogen, somebody who's got very good verbal skills and people skills, who's very intuitive and who's very nurturing and emotionally expressive. We have natural patterns of mate choice. Modern technology is not going to change who we choose to love.
  2. But technology is producing one modern trend that I find particularly important. It's associated with the concept of paradox of choice. For millions of years, we lived in little hunting and gathering groups. You didn't have the opportunity to choose between 1,000 people on a dating site. We can embrace about five to nine alternatives, and after that, you get into what academics call "cognitive overload," and you don't choose any.
  So I've come to think that due to this cognitive overload, we're ushering in a new form of courtship that I call "slow love." 67 percent of singles in America today who are living long-term with somebody, have not yet married because they are terrified of divorce. They're terrified of the social, legal, emotional, economic consequences of divorce. Today's singles want to know every single thing about a partner before they wed.
  But the human brain always triumphs, and indeed, in the United States today, 86 percent of Americans will marry by age 49. I did a study of 1,100 married people and I asked them a lot of questions. But one of the questions was, "Would you re-marry the person you're currently married to?" And 81 percent said, "Yes."
  3. I'm not a Pollyanna; there's a great deal to cry about. As William Butler Yeats, the poet, once said, "Love is the crooked thing." I would add, "Nobody gets out alive." We all have problems. But in fact,I think the poet Randall Jarrell really sums it up best. He said, "The dark, uneasy world of family life—where the greatest can fail, and the humblest succeed."
  But I will leave you with this: love and attachment will prevail,technology cannot change it. And I will conclude by saying any understanding of human relationships must take into account one of the most powerful determinants of human behavior: the unquenchable,adaptable and primordial human drive to love.