英语PK台 第397期:如何与怪脾气的不可理喻之人打交道?(在线收听

   Most people know someone who seems to make every situation toxic and impossible. Pointing out that these people are difficult and demanding won't get you anywhere, though—odds are, they don't even see a problem. Many times impossible people cause endless conflicts and fights, which consume more time and energy than needed.

  However, whether the conflict with such a person is caused by a personality disorder or some other underlying issue, you can learn how to navigate interactions with impossible people and preserve your own sanity.
  First, try to figure out why a person is‘impossible' to you. If you can describe what it is about the impossible person's personality that clashes with yours, you may be able to pinpoint more specific ways to deal with him or her. It seems that there are four types of impossible people which are easily recognizable:
  Clinging types are insecure and can be desperate for affection and love because they feel weak and idolize stronger people.
  Controlling types are often critical perfectionists who need to be right and often blame others for their behavior.
  Competitive types always want to win and often use any type of relationship, conversation or activity as a contest to prove they're better at something.
  Passive-aggressive people express their hostilities indirectly by subtly pushing other people's buttons. An example is the line, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine," when you know that if you go on with whatever you were doing, there will be problems to deal with later.
  Second, how to deal with these types of impossible people when you land up in a conflict or disagreement with them? Although their personalities may differ, the tips we provide in this article appear to be pretty useful in dealing with conflicts with any of the four types we mentioned.
  1. Don't get defensive.
  Stay calm, and be aware that you will never win in an argument with an impossible person. He or she is referred to as "impossible" for a reason. In the impossible person's mind, you are the problem, and nothing you say can convince the person to see your side of the story.
  Think about what you are going to say before you say it and what your goal for the conversation is. Don't just react impulsively because the other person offended you. You don't have to defend yourself to this person. Use "I" statements instead of "you" statements. For example, don't say, "You are wrong." Try something like, "I feel like that statement may not be the whole truth."
  2. Realize you probably can't have a reasonable conversation.
  Recall every time you tried in the past to have a civilized discussion with the person instead of a fight. You were probably blamed for everything instead. Therefore: Use silence or try to humor the person whenever you can. Know that you cannot "fix" impossible people. These people cannot and do not listen to reason. Don't deal with the person one-on-one. Always suggest that a third party be brought in. If the person refuses, demand it.
  3. Don't take the reactions of impossible people personally, and don't allow yourself to become emotionally charged in reaction to him or her.
  Redirect the situation or conversation to something positive by focusing on something other than what the argument started about.
  Consider the fact that anything you do or say while angry can be used against you. Impossible people want you to say something to prove that you're the bad guy. Talk about the weather, fishing, the impossible person's family really anything that will distract from the argument and is not likely to cause further conflict.
  4. Ask a thought-provoking question.
  Asking the impossible individual or the group you are dealing with a question regarding the issue, such as, "What is the problem?" or "Why do you feel this way?" can be helpful. It shows that you are engaged in the conversation and willing to find the source of the disagreement. Rephrasing the impossible person's position to illuminate irrationality can encourage an individual to come to a better conclusion.
  5. Adjust your strategy.
  Sometimes you can't leave the situation, so treat it like a game. Impossible people aren't so impossible when you can predict what the person is going to say or do next. Learn the impossible person's strategy, and develop counter strategies ahead of time. Eventually you'll find what works and what doesn't, plus you'll probably feel better as you realize you're three steps ahead, outwitting him or her at every turn.
  Just remember your ultimate goal is to help free yourself mentally, not become the person's master. If the impossible person still finds a way to get to you, then don't feel bad. Just make a note of what happened and devise new strategies for next time.
  6. Be confident.
  State your views with confidence and look the person in the eye when communicating with him or her. If you look at the ground or over his or her shoulder, this could be interpreted this as weak. You want to be regarded as reasonable but not timid. Hence, Check your body language.Become aware of your positioning, how you move and your facial expressions when around these people.
  We reveal a lot of our emotions non-verbally. You don't want to reveal your own feelings unknowingly. Also, this will help you maintain your own sense of calm, and may have a calming effect on the impossible person in the process. So speak softly, and move as calmly as possible, avoid confrontational body language.
  7. Ignore them and take a deep breath.
  Impossible people want attention, so once they realize you won't give them what they want, they will move onto someone else who will react to them. Impossible peoples' outbursts are like a child's tantrum. Pay them no mind unless the outburst becomes disruptive, dangerous or threatening. Do your best to avoid angering impossible people or giving them a reason to lose their temper. Especially if the person you're talking with is getting on your last nerve, then you need to step away from the situation. Walking away or handling another task so you two can calm down is a good idea.