英语PK台 第399期:你的生活黄金准则(在线收听

   Dialogue 1

  Jingjing: Wow, Mark, looks like you've put on some pounds since I last saw you.
  Mark: Yep, I'll admit, I haven't been eating very healthy lately. I've been burning the candle at both ends at work lately. My boss has me working till almost 10:00 every night.
  Jingjing: Well, I suggest you live by some guidelines in order to maintain your health.
  Mark: Oh, yeah? Like what?
  Jingjing: Well, you should make some golden rules for yourself, such as always eating at least three meals a day and getting good rest on a daily basis.
  Mark: It's easier said than done. I've tried the past couple of months to eat healthy, but I just can't do it.
  Jingjing: You know what they say: trying is dying. Just do it! Come on, you're not the only one who works long hours. If I can do it, so can you. I can't stress the importance of sleep enough. When I wake up in the morning, I feel like a million dollars.
  Mark: Okay, I get the point. Starting right now, I'm gonna get back on the grind.
  Jingjing: Well, you'll have to let me know how it goes. You won't be disappointed!
  put on some pounds=长胖
  burn the candle at both ends=日夜上班,熬夜加班
  live by=遵守;遵循(规则或原则)
  It's easier said than done.=这谈何容易,站着说话不腰疼。
  Trying is dying.=尝试还不够,你要真正做到这一点!
  I can't stress the importance of (something) enough.=某事无论怎么强调都不为过,用来强调某事的重要性。
  I feel like a million dollars.=我感觉棒极了。
  on the grind=(形成)固定的规律
  Dialogue 2
  Mark and Jingjing are standing in line at the movie theater.
  Mark: This movie is gonna be sweet. All of my friends said it was great.
  Jingjing: Oh, that reminds me. Would you mind spotting me a couple of bucks for the movie ticket? I'm running a little low on cash right now.
  Mark: Well well well. You always harp on me about being irresponsible with my money. I think you need to practice what you preach.
  Jingjing: Hold it right there. I do practice what I preach. It's just that today is a little different. School is just beginning and I spent a fortune on my books recently. One of my golden rules is: study comes first.
  Mark: Wow, I never thought I would see the day when you actually asked to borrow money from me. After all, it was you that I learned the quote: a penny saved is a penny earned.
  Jingjing: Well, now you can learn from me that studying hard is important and should come before having fun.
  Mark: Thanks for the valuable lesson. Now let's go see that movie, shall we?
  Jingjing: Yes, we shall!
  harp on(someone)=批评别人
  practice what you preach=如果你要求别人如何做,你自己也应该做到;以身作则
  Hold it right there.=谁说的?当你不同意别人的说法时做出的回应。
  spend a fortune=支出很多钱
  A penny saved is a penny earned.=每省下一分钱就是赚了一分钱,强调节约用钱的重要性。