英语PK台 第405期:科学告诉你"树精姥姥"真的存在!(在线收听

   1. Imagine you're walking through a forest. I'm guessing you're thinking of a collection of trees. Yes, trees are the foundation of forests, but a forest is much more than what you see, and today I want to change the way you think about forests. You see, underground there is this other world, a world of infinite biological pathways that connect trees and allow them to communicate and allow the forest to behave as though it's a single organism. It might remind you of a sort of intelligence.

  Trees in real forests might also share information below ground. It turns out at that time of the year, in the summer, that birch was sending more carbon to fir than fir was sending back to birch, especially when the fir was shaded. And then in later experiments, we found the opposite, that fir was sending more carbon to birch than birch was sending to fir, and this was because the fir was still growing while the birch was leafless.
  So it turns out the two species were interdependent, like yin and yang. I knew I had found something big, something that would change the way we look at how trees interact in forests, from not just competitors but to cooperators.
  2. How were paper birch and Douglas fir communicating? Well, it turns out they were conversing not only in the language of carbon but also information. The web is so dense that there can be hundreds of kilometers of mycelium under a single footstep. And not only that, that mycelium connects different individuals in the forest, and it works kind of like the Internet.
  You see, like all networks, mycorrhizal networks have nodes and links. The biggest, darkest nodes are the busiest nodes. We call those hub trees, or more fondly, mother trees, because it turns out that those hub trees nurture their young, the ones growing in the understory. In a single forest, a mother tree can be connected to hundreds of other trees.
  Mother trees colonize their kin with bigger mycorrhizal networks. They send them more carbon below ground. They even reduce their own root competition to make elbow room for their kids. When mother trees are injured or dying, they also send messages of wisdom on to the next generation of seedlings. So trees talk. Through back and forth conversations, they increase the resilience of the whole community.
  3. So let's come back to the initial point. Forests aren't simply collections of trees, they're complex systems with hubs and networks that overlap and connect trees and allow them to communicate, and they provide avenues for feedbacks and adaptation, and this makes the forest resilient. You see, you can take out one or two hub trees, but there comes a tipping point, because hub trees are not unlike rivets in an airplane. You can take out one or two and the plane still flies, but you take out one too many, or maybe that one holding on the wings, and the whole system collapses.
  So I want to come back to my final question: instead of weakening our forests, how can we reinforce them and help them deal with climate change? First, we all need to get out in the forest. We need to reestablish local involvement in our own forests. Second, we need to save our old-growth forests. These are the repositories of genes and mother trees and mycorrhizal networks. And third, when we do cut, we need to save the legacies, the mother trees and networks, and the wood, the genes, so they can pass their wisdom onto the next generation of trees so they can withstand the future stresses coming down the road. And finally, we have to give Mother Nature the tools she needs to use her intelligence to self-heal.