英语PK台 第432期:睡姿暴露了你的个性(在线收听

   Dialogue 1

  Jingjing: Mark! Yoo hoo! Wake up sleepyhead! You're gonna be late for class.
  Mark: Hey! Didn't I tell you not to wake me up? I don't care if I'm gonna be late for class. I don't like it you mess with me when I'm sleeping.
  Jingjing: Oh? You wanna start acting all hard with me now? I was just doing you a favor by making sure you make it to school on time.
  Mark: What makes you think I'm acting? I'm serious.
  Jingjing: Ha! I don't believe you! I know you're a sweet guy on the inside. Besides, when I woke you up, you were in the fetus position. That says a lot about your personality.
  Mark: Wait, you mean you can tell something about someone's personality just by looking at how they fall asleep?
  Jingjing: Yup, pretty much.
  Mark: So, you gonna fill me in?
  Jingjing: Ok, well, this professor in the UK named Chris Idzikowski analyzed six common sleeping positions, and found that they're linked to personality types. For example, people who fall asleep in the fetus position, which is the most common position to fall asleep in, are tough on the outside but sensitive and sweet on the inside.
  Mark: Okay, that sounds like me... What else?
  Jingjing: People who lie on their sides with both arms down sleep in the log position. They're easygoing and like being part of the in-crowd. However, they are often said to be gullible.
  Mark: Okay, this is getting interesting. But right now I don't have time to chat. I gotta get going. Tell me the rest on the way to school.
  Dialogue 2
  Jingjing and Mark are on their way to school. They continue their conversation.
  Mark: So you said there were six common sleeping positions? You told me two already. What are the other four?
  Jingjing: Oh, yeah, that's right. There's the yearner position. These people lie on their side with their arms out in front of them. They're said to be really open people, but also suspicious and cynical at the same time.
  Mark: Okay, keep talking...
  Jingjing: Then there's the soldier position. These people lie on their back with their arms at their sides. These people are often quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss, but set high standards for themselves and others.
  Mark: Sounds kinda like you...
  Jingjing: You're wrong! I sleep in the starfish position. These people lie on their backs with both arms around the pillow. People like us make great friends because we're always ready to listen to other people's problems.
  Mark: How do you know you sleep like that? You can't see yourself when you're sleeping!
  Jingjing: I'm sure I sleep like that because I'm such a great friend to other people! How could I not be? Anyways, the last position is called the free fall position. These people lie on their stomachs with their hands around the pillow and their head turned to one side. They're often gregarious people, but can be thin-skinned underneath. They also don't like criticism, so be careful!
  Mark: Well, thanks for the heads up. Anyways, I gotta run to class. We'll catch up later, ok?
  Jingjing: Sounds good, take care!