英语PK台 第481期:《人民的名义》中国反腐剧掀收视热潮(在线收听

   China laps up glossy TV corruption drama

  In The Name of The People is the latest piece of propaganda aimed at portraying the government's victory in its anti-corruption campaign. The series has gripped millions of viewers across the country. In The Name of the People chronicles the internal power struggle of the Chinese Communist Party in the fictional city of Jingzhou, featuring stories about Chinese politics that are often talked about but never seen on mainstream television.
  What makes In The Name of the People remarkable is not just how frankly it depicts the ugly side of Chinese politics, but that it also has the blessing of the country's powerful top prosecutors' office. Viewers have been lapping it up. "This TV drama feels so real. It really cheers people up," one viewer wrote on social media network Weibo.
  Who's who in China's hit TV show
  Hou Liangping
  The tall and handsome chief investigator and hero of the show. He is played by Chinese heartthrob Lu Yi, whom netizens have criticised for his awkward acting, particularly in scenes with his screen wife. "Are they a model couple or a fake couple?" complained one Weibo commenter.
  Li Dakang
  The blunt party chief obsessed with GDP growth and rising political star who likes to chastise his subordinates. Veteran actor Wu Gang rose to fame with this role - viewers now regularly make online memes featuring his character.
  一位痴迷于GDP增长的党政领袖,也是一位性格耿直、喜欢责难下属的正在崛起的政治明星。资深演员吴刚凭借着这一角色而声名鹊起——现在网上盛传的“达康书记” 表情包,就是观众们根据他在剧中的角色而制作的。
  The show's screenwriter, Zhou Meisen, is a seasoned writer of anti-corruption fiction. He said he aimed to show that corrupt officials were not all "monsters" and were real people—but at the end of the day, the good people always win.
  People need no empty talk
  The popularity of the anti-corruption-themed drama In the Name of People can be attributed, to a large extent, to its echoing people's anger at corrupt officials, and those officials who have no motivation to work for the people or do bad things under the pretext of serving the people, and their admiration for those that have the courage to fight corruption.
  在很大程度上, 这部反腐题材电视剧的流行可以归因为其深深引发了观众的共鸣。一方面,它释放了人民对腐败官员的愤怒, 对那些无所作为和打着“为人民服务”的旗号干坏事的官员的愤怒;另一方面,该剧也召唤起了观众对那些有勇气打击腐败的人的崇敬之情。
  The drama features two types of officials; those who wholeheartedly serve the people and those who are preoccupied with pursuing their own interests by embezzling money and lining their own pockets. For example, such negative characters as Zhao Dehan, Ding Yizhen, Zhao Lichun and others, always talk about the people, but what they are obsessed with is pursuing their own interests in the name of the people.
  这部戏主要描绘了两种类型的官员: 一种是全心全意为人民服务的人,另一种是那些为了谋求私利而贪污受贿的人。后者例如赵德汉、丁义诊、赵丽春等人,他们总是嘴上谈论着人民,但实际上却痴迷于假借人民的名义去追求自己的利益。
  The stories in the TV series are based on real people and incidents,so that they reflect the experiences of ordinary people. Most people have encountered corrupt officials like those in the show. For many corrupt officials, "serving the people" is a phrase to be used when needed. Song Wenqi, a former health official in a county of Chongqing,also expressed his desire to continuously serve the people when appealing for exemption from criminal responsibility for accepting bribes.