英语PK台 第491期:10种方法,做一个会聊天的人(在线收听

   So this world that we live in, this world in which every conversation has the potential to devolve into an argument, where our politicians can't speak to one another and where even the most trivial of issues have someone fighting both passionately for it and against it, it's not normal. We're less likely to compromise, which means we're not listening to each other. And we make decisions about where to live, who to marry and even who our friends are gonna be, based on what we already believe. Again, that means we're not listening to each other.

  A conversation requires a balance between talking and listening, and somewhere along the way, we lost that balance. So I'd like to spend the next 10 minutes or so teaching you how to talk and how to listen. Many of you have already heard a lot of advice on this, things like look the person in the eye, think of interesting topics to discuss in advance, nod and smile to show that you're paying attention, repeat back what you just heard or summarize it. So I want you to forget all of that. It is crap.There is no reason to learn how to show you're paying attention if you are in fact paying attention. We've all had really great conversations. The kind of conversation where you walk away feeling engaged and inspired, or where you feel like you've made a real connection or you've been perfectly understood.
  So I have 10 basic rules. If you just choose one of them and master it, you'll already enjoy better conversations. Number one: Don't multitask. If you want to get out of the conversation, get out of the conversation, but don't be half in it and half out of it. Number two: Don't pontificate. If you wanted to state your opinion without any opportunity for response or argument or push back or growth, write a blog.
  You need to enter every conversation assuming that you have something to learn. The famed therapist M. Scott Peck said that true listening requires a setting aside of oneself. He said that sensing this acceptance, the speaker will become less and less vulnerable and more and more likely to open up the inner recesses of his or her mind to the listener. Bill Nye: "Everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don't."
  你需要在进入每一次交流时 都假定自己可以学习到一些东西。著名的治疗师 M. 斯科特·派克说过,真正的倾听需要把自己放在一边。有时候,这意味着把你的个人观点放在一边。他说感受到这种接纳,说话的人会变得越来越不脆弱敏感,因而越来越有可能打开自己的内心世界,呈现给倾听者。再强调一遍,假定你需要学习新东西。比尔·奈伊说:“每一个你将要见到的人都有你不知道的东西。”
  Number three: Use open-ended questions. Start your questions with who, what, when, where, why or how. If you put in a complicated question, you're going to get a simple answer out. If I ask you, "Were you terrified?" you're going to respond to the most powerful word in that sentence, which is "terrified," and the answer is "Yes, I was" or "No, I wasn't." Let them describe it. They're the ones that know. Try asking them things like, "What was that like?" "How did that feel?
  第三点:使用开放式问题。以“谁”、“什么”、“何时”、“何地”、“为什么”或“如何”开始提问。如果你询问一个复杂的问题 将会得到一个简单的回答。如果我问你:“你当时恐惧吗?”你会回应那句话中最有力的词,即“恐惧”,而答案将是“是的”或者“不是”。“你当时气愤吗?”“是的,我当时气得很。”让对方去描述,对方才是了解情境的人。试着这样问对方:“那是什么样子?”“你感觉怎么样?”
  Number four: Go with the flow. That means thoughts will come into your mind and you need to let them go out of your mind. Number five: If you don't know, say that you don't know. Number six: Don't equate your experience with theirs. All experiences are individual. And, more importantly, it is not about you. Number seven: Try not to repeat yourself. Especially in work conversations or in conversations with our kids, we have a point to make, so we just keep rephrasing it over and over. Don't do that.
  Number eight: Stay out of the weeds. So forget the details. Leave them out. Number nine: This is not the last one, but it is the most important one. Listen: I cannot tell you how many really important people have said that listening is perhaps the most, the number one most important skill that you could develop. One more rule, number 10, and it's this one: Be brief. (A good conversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject. —My Sister)
  第八条:少说废话。所以忘掉细节吧,没人在乎它们。第九条:这不是最后一条,但是最重要的一条。认真倾听。我说不上来到底有多少重要人士都说过倾听可能是最重要的,第一重要的 你可以提升的技能。最后一条,第十条:简明扼要。“好的交谈就像恰到好处的迷你裙;足够短,能够吸引人,又足够长,能够包纳(盖住)主体 ——我妹妹的比喻”
  All of this boils down to the same basic concept, and it is this one: Be interested in other people. I keep my mouth shut as often as I possibly can, I keep my mind open, and I'm always prepared to be amazed, and I'm never disappointed.