英语PK台 第505期:世间尚有艰难谋生的人,你会伸手相助吗?(在线收听

   1. An act of Kindness and Goodwill

  Just after finishing his work, Mr. Phillips remembered that his wife had asked him to buy one kilo of Bananas. On his way to the grocery shop, he saw an ill-looking old lady who was selling fresh bananas on the street. Usually, Mr. Phillips buys bananas from a grocery shop a few blocks away from his office, but since he was in a hurry to get home today, buying them from the old lady seemed more convenient to him.
  The old lady quoted $7 for one kilo of bananas. 'But the shop where I usually buy from gives them for $5 per kilo!', Mr Phillips said. 'I'm sorry sir, I cannot afford to match that price. I cannot sell them to you for less than $6 per kilo', the old lady responded. 'Never mind' said Mr Phillips, and he went to the grocery shop.
  However, when he wanted to pay for the good bunch of bananas he picked, the cashier told him that the price per kilo was $10. Feeling somewhat offended he said: 'I have been buying bananas here for several years now and this is a steep price increase, can't you offer me a better deal for being a loyal customer?'
  Then, the manager of the grocery shop who had overheard him said: 'Sorry sir but our prices are fixed, we do not bargain.' Mr. Phillips felt very annoyed with his attitude, and decided to put the bananas back and to go back to the old lady.
  此时,杂货店经理无意听到了他们的对话,他解释道:“不好意思先生,我们的价格是固定的,我们这里不讲价。” 他的态度令菲利普先生十分不悦,于是决定不在这里买了,去街上的老妇人那里买。
  She recognized him instantly and told him: 'Sir, I can't match that price, I won't be able to earn any profit if I sell my bananas for less than $6.' 'Don't worry, I will pay you $10 Per kilo!', said Mr Phillips. 'Now, give me two kilos please!' The Old lady happily packed two kilos of Bananas and said: 'I can't accept $10 per kilo but I will accept $7 per kilo. I appreciate your kindness.'
  As she continued talking, tears were flowing from her eyes. 'You know, my Husband used to own a small fruit shop, but he got very sick. We even had to sell his shop to cover his medical bills because nobody could support us. Unfortunately, he still passed away. So now I am trying to survive on my own.'
  Don't worry, I will only buy bananas from you from now.' Mr Phillips replied. Then, he pulled out his wallet and gave her $100 extra. 'Take this, consider this an advance payment for the bananas I will be buying from you later.' He left the old lady speechless with gratitude. He kept his promise, and also recommended many of his colleagues to buy bananas from the old lady, which they did. From that day on, she made a much better living than ever before.
  “别担心,我以后都在你这里买香蕉。” 菲利普先生安慰她,接着,他拿出钱包,拿出100元递给她。“拿着这钱吧,这是我提前支付了以后在你这里买香蕉的钱。”之后,他就离开了。老妇人一句话也说不出来,充满了感激之情。从那以后,菲利普先生信守了他的承诺,也推荐了许多他的同事来老妇人这里买香蕉。从那以后,水果小摊的生意逐渐好了起来,老妇人的困窘的生活也逐渐改善了。
  2. Chicago paleta vendor Fidencio Sanchez melts US hearts
  An old man, the 89 year-old Mr Sanchez, had been retired just two months when his daughter passed away. This forced him out of retirement since he had to take custody of her children. He had been selling ice pops in Illinois city for 23 years up till then. His wife,who also used to sell the ice pops, could not help him because of her failing health.
  'We thought, what are we going to do? We have to pay the bills', the vendor told the news. So Mr Sanchez decided to dust off his ice-cream cart to support his wife and grandchildren. 'I woke up early and worked all day until eight at night,' he said.
  “那我们能做什么呢?我们还有那么多的日常账单要支付。” 推着冰棍车的老人告诉记者。于是桑切斯老人决定重拾旧业,继续卖冰棍来养家,家里有他的太太和孙子们。“我每天早出晚归,整天在外面忙碌。” 他说。
  'It broke my heart seeing this man working so hard while he should be enjoying retirement,' said Joel Cervantes Macias, a man who has set up an online fundraise campaign for Mr Sanchez. 'When I saw Mr Sanchez, I bought 20 paletas (Mexican ice pops) from him. Later I posted a photo of Mr Sanchez online, with the comment: 'I respect this man to the fullest!' The image garnered a huge response.'
  一位素不相识的陌生人Joel Cervantes Macias 先生在网络上发起了为桑切斯先生的筹款活动,他说,“看到这个老人在应当安度晚年的年纪还如此卖力地讨生活,令人心碎。”“我遇见他以后,我一口气买了20根冰激凌。然后我把桑切斯先生的照片发到了网络上,并写道:我真心敬佩这样的人。照片立即得到了许多人的回应。”
  Mr Joel Cervantes Macias said that then, he decided to start a fundraising campaign in the hope of collecting $3,000 dollars (?2,250) for Mr Sanchez. That target was surpassed in less than an hour. Within two days, he had raised more than $201,000 for Mr Sanchez and his family. Mr Sanchez however, is still working as a paleta vendor because he said he would miss his work otherwise, but now he doesn't need to worry about money anymore, he is a happy man.