英语PK台 第551期:去华盛顿玩玩(在线收听

   Dialogue 1

  Mark: Whew! You made it. I was just about to turn in.
  Jingjing: You would have stood me up?
  Mark: We'd have run into each other at the breakfast buffet.
  Jingjing: You mean the "continental breakfast"?
  Mark: Oops, yeah. Anyway, you're here, and you're looking dead beat.
  Jingjing: I haven't even begun to feel jet lag, I'm that tired.
  Mark: Well then, let's quickly decide which places we're going to visit tomorrow.
  Jingjing: Sounds simple enough. I can't believe we both have to fly out again the day after tomorrow in the morning!
  Mark: I'm glad we could meet in Washington D.C. It's been ages.
  Jingjing: Yeah. If we both get up early, let's hit the Smithsonian after breakfast.
  Mark: I like the sound of that. Feel free to sleep in. If we're going to the Smithsonian at all, we'd have to give it four hours at least.
  Jingjing: Okay, I'm thinking the early bird gets the worm here, and that we can play that by ear.
  Mark: Right. And after we have lunch somewhere, we can check out a couple other places.
  Jingjing: You know, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial are right across from each other.
  Mark: Hmm, they are close. Um; what do you think about the White House?
  Jingjing: I think it's more of a tourist trap. What are your thoughts about it?
  Mark: Well, I mean, if we're in Washington D.C., and we want to see something unlike what they have in other capital cities and historical places, maybe the White House would be our best bet.
  Jingjing: You think we could get in?
  Mark: I'm not counting on it. What about, after the Smithsonian, we head toward the White House, eat somewhere, and go on to the Capitol Building if the White House is too packed.
  Jingjing: That sounds decent. And we can keep the monument and memorial as a backup.
  Mark: Or check it out in the evening. Now go upstairs and crash. Your eyelids are heavier than my luggage.
  Jingjing: I'm afraid I don't see what you mean. HASTA MANANA.
  New words: 习语短语:
  You made it. 你安全准时地到达了
  (You got here safely and on time.)
  turn in 睡觉,或者去房间(酒店)的私人地方
  (go to sleep, or go to a private part of the house/hotel)
  stood me up / stand somebody up 放某人鸽子 ,不准时与某人会面
  (don't go to meet the person as planned)
  run into each other 偶遇彼此
  (meet each other by chance)
  continental breakfast 酒店里的一种早餐, 欧陆式早餐,通常是咖啡、黄油、面包等为主。
  (often offered by hotels, some kind of bread with juice or coffee)
  dead beat 非常疲惫
  (very tired, physically exhausted)
  jet lag 时差导致的疲惫
  (tiredness or nervousness due to having been stuck on a plane for several hours, and due to the time difference)
  It's been ages. 已经很久了
  (It's been a very long time since we saw each other.)
  hit 去...地方
  (go to, try)
  sleep in 睡懒觉
  (sleep later than usual in the morning, don't get up so early)
  give it 给时间做某事
  (allow time for)
  The early bird gets the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早点到,有好处可享受
  (If you arrive somewhere early, you'll benefit more.)
  play (something) by ear 到时候再说,视情况而定
  (go somewhere without an exact plan, wander around)
  check (it) out 去看
  (go to see)
  tourist trap 敲游客竹杠之地
  (a famous place with lots of visitors, usually overpriced and inconvenient)
  best bet 最佳选择
  (the most likely best choice)
  count on (something) 指望,靠得上某事
  (rely on something, expect it to be successful)
  backup 后备方案
  (available alternative, plan B)
  crash 睡觉 (sleep)
  HASTA MANANA (西班牙语)明天见
  (See you tomorrow.)
  Dialogue 2
  Jingjing and Mark arrive at the White House.
  Jingjing: Did you have enough to eat for lunch?
  Mark: Um, kind of. But I'm not that keen on filling up on snack food instead of eating at a restaurant.
  Jingjing: Let's look for a restaurant when dinnertime comes.
  Mark: Speaking of time, it looks like we'd be stuck all afternoon in this queue.
  Jingjing: Yeah, so this is the White House.
  Mark: What do you say we just take some pictures here from outside?
  Jingjing: And forget about the tour?
  Mark: You got it. I'm willing to bet there'll be fewer people at some of the other places.
  Jingjing: Sounds good.
  New words: 习语短语:
  keen 有兴趣,被吸引
  (attracted to, interested in)
  filling up on 吃大量的同款食物
  (having a lot of one kind of food)
  stuck 困住,不能离开
  (unable to leave)
  forget about 放弃
  (give up, forgo)
  I'm willing to bet 我期待
  (I expect...)