英语PK台 第554期:老搬运工的最后一次送货(在线收听

   There was a rich couple who was throwing a big new year party at their house. So they went shopping at a market where everything was of high cost and had a fixed price. They wanted to maintain their high living standards so didn't mind paying a lot for the things they needed.

  After purchasing everything they wanted, they called a porter to carry everything and drop it off at their home. The porter who came was of an old age, not very healthy looking. His clothes were torn, and he looked as if he wasn't even able to meet his daily needs.
  They asked the porter about the charge for delivering the goods at their home. The old porter quoted a mere $20, a price well below the market rate for delivering goods with his cart at the couple's home.
  Yet, the couple argued and bargained with the porter, and finally, he settled for $15. The porter was struggling to make money for every single meal, so he needed anything he could earn.
  The couple was very happy thinking about how well they had bargained with the poor porter, paid him $15 in advance and left after giving the porter their address for delivery. They reached their home and an hour passed, two hours passed, but the porter still hadn't delivered their stuff.
  The wife started to get angry at her husband, "I always tell you to not to trust such a person but still, you never listen to me. Such a person is not even able to earn enough money to feed himself once a day, and you gave him everything we purchased for our big party. I am sure that, instead of delivering it at our home, he must have disappeared with everything. We must immediately go back to the market to find out more about the porter and then go to the police station to file a complaint against him".
  They both left towards the market. On their way, near the market, they saw another porter. They stopped him to inquire about the old porter but then noticed that he was carrying their stuff in his cart! The angry wife asked him, "Where is that old thief? This is our stuff and he was supposed to deliver it. It seems you thieves are stealing our stuff and are going to sell it".
  The porter replied, "Madam, please calm down. That poor old man was sick since last month. He wasn't even able to earn enough money to have one single meal a day. He was on his way to deliver your stuff, but he was hungry, sick, and couldn't gather the strength to go any further in this heat of the noon". He fell down and he handed me $15. His last words were: "I have accepted an advance payment for this delivery, take this money and please deliver it to this address".
  "Madam, He was hungry, he was poor, but he was an honest man. I was just on my way to complete the old man's last delivery at your home", the porter said. Upon hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes, but his wife felt so ashamed, she did not even have the courage to look her husband in the eye.
  Moral: Honesty has no class. Respect everyone regardless of their financial and social status. It's always a good deed to give something to the one who deserves.