英语PK台 第556期:去华盛顿玩玩(2)(在线收听

   Dialogue 1

  Jingjing and Mark are at the Washington Monument.
  Mark: Well Jingjing, what do you think? It's a lot less crowded than the White House.
  Jingjing: It is a lot less crowded than the White House. There's a lot more open space at least.
  Mark: Would you like to try to get in?
  Jingjing: Yeah. Let's go see what we're dealing with.
  Mark goes to have a look and then comes back to talk with Jingjing.
  Mark: Bad news: the lift is closed for repairs. There was an earthquake several years ago, and its still being fixed. The good news is not too many people want to climb all the stairs.
  Jingjing: Do you feel like getting a workout?
  Mark: I'm up for it, if you'd like to see a spectacular view.
  Jingjing: It's probably worth it. Let's deal with security and get started on those stairs.
  Jingjing and Mark are climbing.
  Jingjing: Wow, it didn't look that tall from the outside. How much farther?
  Mark: You know what? I didn't bother to check before we started. There was a big plaque with lots of information. I only remember some of it.
  Jingjing: Well, you'd be helping me keep my mind off my knees if you told me some of that stuff.
  Mark: Sure. It took forty years to build this. Most of that time was a stall in construction though.
  Jingjing: Really, I heard it's still the tallest obelisk in the world.
  Mark: Yeah, and it was the tallest structure in the world for just about one year.
  Jingjing: Ha ha. It took such a long time to set a record for such a short time. What ended up being taller?
  Mark: The Eiffel Tower. Oh, look, there's more light up ahead. I think we're finally near the top.
  New words: 习语短语:
  open space 没有太多人或建筑的开阔区域
  (a big area, indoors or outdoors, that is not too crowded with people or objects)
  what we're dealing with 我们正面对的,要处理
  (what we're faced with)
  deal with 面对,处理
  (face, handle)
  You know what? 你知道发生了什么吗?(通常用于告知对方坏消息之前引起对方注意)
  (This is usually used before another sentence with some bad news. "You know what? I forgot to bring that book you wanted to borrow.")
  keep my mind off something 让我不去想什么事情,为了让我的思绪从某事上解脱出来
  (keep me from thinking about something)
  obelisk 方尖纪念碑
  (a tall, four sided, narrow tapering monument with a pyramid on the top)
  set a record 创纪录
  (do something better than ever before)
  Dialogue 2
  Jingjing and Mark are at the top of the Washington Monument.
  Jingjing: Wow, what an incredible view!
  Mark: Yeah, we take for granted being able to go to the top of tall buildings. But people a hundred years ago only had this as their chance to be 170 meters off the ground.
  Jingjing: This and the Eiffel Tower, right?
  Mark: Yeah. It's too bad we can only see through these narrow slits in the stone.
  Jingjing: Hmm, but the good thing is there aren't so many other tall buildings around. I can see the whole city.
  Mark: The land in Washington D.C. is at a pretty low elevation. I read that they had to drain a swamp to build the city here.
  Jingjing: That would explain why there are so many lakes and waterways.
  Mark: Jingjing, come over to this side. You can see the Lincoln Memorial.
  Jingjing: Wow, it looks so small from up here. And, when we were there just half an hour ago, it looked huge.
  Mark: There's still one more side to view. Oh, the Capitol building is not that far away either.
  Jingjing: Would you like to head over there next?
  Mark: Sure, if you can put off eating until afterwards. We'll probably catch it in the afternoon light if we start walking soon.
  Jingjing: Alright. Let's get started on the way down those stairs.
  New words: 习语短语:
  take for granted 习以为常,理所当然
  (expect to be able to do something, or expect to see something most of the time)
  elevation 海拔
  (distance, from a point on the ground, from sea level—NOT used for height of buildings)
  head over there 去……地方
  (go over there, start making the trip casually)
  put off 推迟 (postpone)
  catch 赶上看 (see something or meet someone)
  afternoon light 下午最适合摄影的光线