英语PK台 第577期:你永远不知道下一个帮你的人是谁(在线收听


  As a woman walked down the streets one day on a cold day in February, she spotted a beggar. The man looked dirty, old, unshaven and didn't even wear a proper coat. Every passer-by looked at him with contempt. Not like they had anything against him, but merely because of who he was: a filthy beggar.
  "Sir? Are you all right?" The lady asked him. The old beggar thought that this well-dressed, obviously wealthy lady, was mocking him. "Leave me alone!" he growled. She did not move. "Are you hungry?" She asked with a gentle smile. "No, I've just had lunch with the president." The beggar replied sarcastically. Her smile did not fade, and she tried to pick him up. "What do you think you are doing woman!" The beggar cried.
  "Is there a problem ma'am?" a passing policeman asked. "Not at all officer. I'm just trying to get this man on his feet." The woman replied. Surprised, the policeman said: "That's old Jack, he has been here for years. What have you got to do with him?" "I am taking him to the cafeteria to get warm and eat something." The woman answered.
  Angry, the old beggar now shouted: "Are you crazy!? I don't want to go in there!" But then he felt strong hands lifting him up. "Let me go, officer. I didn't do anything!" "Don't blow this good chance to feed yourself Jack." The officer advised. Together, they dragged jack into the cafeteria.
  "What's going on here!? People like him are bad for business. We won't serve him anything here!" The manager of the cafeteria said, angrily. "Now you know why I didn't want to come in here woman." Jack said to the lady. "Now let me go!"
  Smiling, the woman turned to the cafeteria manager and said: "Sir, I reckon you know Eddy and Associates, the banking firm down the street?" "Of course I do, they hold their weekly business lunches here." The manager retorted. "I am the CEO of the company" the woman replied. "o-o-oh..." The manager stuttered, and had nothing else left to say.
  女士微笑着转向自助餐厅经理,说道:“先生,我猜您知道Eddy and Associates吧?就是街边的那家银行。”“当然知道,他们每周都会在这里办商业午餐。”经理反驳说。“我就是那家银行的CEO。”女士回答说。“哦-哦-哦……”经理变得哑口无言,只是这样结结巴巴地回应道。
  "Would you like a cup of coffee or a meal, officer?" She asked. "No thanks, ma'am," the officer replied. "I'm on duty." The lady, however, insisted that he'd at least get a cup of coffee to go,which the manager brought to all three of them, almost instantly.
  "You just taught him a good lesson in hospitality." Said the officer." Oh, that was not really what I intended." She stared at Jack and said: "Jack, do you remember me?" "Well you do look familiar.” Jack said while examining her face.
  "Do you remember a cold and hungry girl who once visited this place when you worked here? She has, perhaps, grown old hasn't she?" Jack nodded, he was speechless. "I was just graduated, unemployed and lost my apartment for I couldn't afford the rent anymore. I wandered on these streets looking for work for days. It was cold. One day I walked in this cafeteria, hoping to find something eatable that my meagre budget would allow. When you saw me, you offered me the biggest roast beef sandwich ever and a good cup of coffee. You did not charge me anything."
  "So you started your own business?" Old Jack mumbled after a long silence. "Yes, I got a job that very afternoon. I worked my way up and started my own business." She gave him a business card and said: "Please go to the HR manager of my company. I'll make sure my company has a vacancy for someone just like you." Fighting back his tears, Jack asked,"How can I ever repay your kindness?" "You don't have to." She said.
  While leaving, she said: "Thank you for all your help officer." On the contrary, Ms. Eddy, thank you! Also for the coffee." "I forgot to ask you whether you used cream or sugar. That's black. I'm so sorry." She said, frowning. "Please don't be! I do use more sugar than what is good for me, but this black coffee tastes as sweet as sugar." He replied.