美国学生历史 第39期:革命的的到来(1)(在线收听

   CHAPTER 13 第13章

  119. The Soldiers at New York and Boston. 119.在纽约和波士顿的士兵
  Soldiers had been stationed at New York ever since the end of the French war because that was the most central point on the coast. 自英法战争结束以来英国士兵一直驻扎在纽约,因为纽约是这片海滨最重要的地方。
  The New Yorkers did not like to have the soldiers there very well, because Parliament expected them to supply the troops with certain things without getting any money in return. 纽约人不喜欢这些士兵驻扎在纽约,原因是议会要求他们拿出物资供给这支部队,但政府却不付给他们钱。
  The New York Assembly refused to supply them, and Parliament suspended the Assembly's sittings. 纽约议会拒绝供给这支部队,英国议会终止了纽约议会的召开。
  In 1768 two regiments came from New York to Boston to protect the customs officers. 1768年,两个团从纽约开到波士顿保护那里的海关官员。
  120. The Boston Massacre, 1770. 120.波士顿大屠杀(1770年)
  There were not enough soldiers at Boston to protect the customs officers-if the colonists really wished to hurt them. 波士顿没有足够的士兵保护这些人(如果殖民地居民真的想伤害海关官员的话)。
  There were quite enough soldiers at Boston to get themselves and the colonists into trouble. 但是,在波士顿有足够多的士兵让他们自己和殖民地居民都陷于麻烦。
  On March 5, 1770, a crowd gathered around the soldiers stationed on King's Street, now State Street. 1770年3月5日,一群人将驻扎在国王街(现在的州府大街)的士兵包围起来。
  There was snow on the ground, and the boys began to throw snow and mud at the soldiers. 地面上有雪,孩子们开始向士兵投掷雪和泥块。
  The crowd grew bolder. 人群越来越大胆,
  Suddenly the soldiers fired on the people. 突然,士兵朝着人们开枪,
  They killed four colonists and wounded several more. 四名殖民地居民当场死亡,还有几人受伤。
  Led by Samuel Adams, the people demanded the removal of the soldiers to the fort in the harbor. 在萨缪尔·亚当斯的带领下,人们要求士兵回到港口中的要塞驻扎。
  Hutchinson was now governor. He offered to send one regiment out of the town. 当时的总督哈钦森提出将一个团迁出波士顿
  "All or none," said Adams, and all were sent away. ,亚当斯答复:"要么全部迁走,要么全部留下。"结果所有的士兵都从波士顿撤出。
  121. Committees of Correspondence. 121.通信委员会
  Up to this time the resistance of the colonists had been carried on in a haphazard sort of way. 直到这个时候,殖民地居民的反抗都是以随意的方式展开,
  Now Committees of Correspondence began to be appointed. 现在他们开始组成通信委员会,
  These committees were of two kinds. 这些委员会分为两类,
  First there were town Committees of Correspondence. 第一种是城市通信委员会,
  These were invented by Samuel Adams and were first appointed in Massachusetts. 这些委员会由亚当斯创建,最先是在马萨诸塞,
  But more important were the colonial Committees of Correspondence. 但是,更为重要的殖民通信委员会,
  The first of these was appointed by Virginia in 1769. 第一个是由1769年弗吉尼亚人所建立。
  At first few colonies followed Massachusetts and Virginia in appointing committees. 开始时很少有殖民地效仿马萨诸塞和弗吉尼亚建立委员会的做法,
  But as one act of tyranny succeeded another, other colonies fell into line. 但随着暴政节节得逞,其他殖民地也加入到建立委员会的行列。
  By 1775 all the colonies were united by a complete system of Committees of Correspondence. 到了1775年所有的殖民地都统一于一个完整而系统的委员会。