美国学生历史 第124期:幸福时代(6)(在线收听

   and (4) the United States would regard the interference of the Holy Alliance in American affairs as an "unfriendly act." (4)美国认为"神圣同盟"干预美洲事务是"不友好的行为"。

  This part of the message was written by Adams. 这一部分由亚当斯写成,
  He had had a long experience in diplomacy. 他有长期从事外交活动的丰富经验,
  He used the words "unfriendly act" as diplomatists use them when they mean that such an "unfriendly act" would be a cause for war. 他使用"不友好的行为"这个语词是有理由的,外交家是在觉得如此一个"不友好的行为"将成为导致战争的一个原因时才用这个语词。
  The British government also informed the Holy Allies that their interference in American affairs would be resented. 英国政府也提醒"神圣同盟",英国不满他们干预美洲事务。
  The Holy Alliance gave over all idea of crushing the Spanish colonists. "神圣同盟"打消了所有关于镇压西班牙殖民地的想法,
  And the Czar of Russia agreed to found no colonies south of fifty-four degrees and forty minutes north latitude. 而俄国沙皇也同意不在北纬54度40分以南建立殖民地。
  283. Meaning of the Monroe Doctrine. 283.门罗主义的意义
  The ideas contained in Monroe's celebrated message to Congress are always spoken of as the Monroe Doctrine. 在门罗给国会的那封著名的信中所包含的思想通常被称为"门罗主义",
  Most of these ideas were not invented by Monroe or by Adams. 这些思想的大部分内容不是门罗和亚当斯所发明,
  Many of them may be found in Washington's Neutrality Proclamation, in Washington's Farewell Address, in Jefferson's Inaugural Address, and in other documents. 可以在华盛顿的《中立宣言》、《告别演说》、杰斐逊的《就职演说》等文献中找到这些内容。
  What was new in Monroe's message was the statement that European interference in American affairs would be looked upon by the United States as an "unfriendly act," leading to war. 在"门罗主义"中新的东西是说欧洲干预美洲事务将被美国视为是"不友好的行为",这种行为会导致战争。
  European kings might crush out liberty in Europe. 欧洲国王可以粉碎欧洲的自由,
  They might divide Asia and Africa among themselves. 他们可以瓜分亚洲和非洲,
  They must not interfere in American affairs. 但他们绝对不可以干涉美洲事务。