美国学生历史 第135期:安德鲁·杰克逊的任期(1)(在线收听

   Chapter 29 第29期

  The Reign of Andrew Jackson,1829-1837 安德鲁·杰克逊的任期(1829-1837年)
  301. General Jackson. 301.杰克森将军
  Born in the backwoods of Carolina, Jackson had early crossed the Alleghanies and settled in Tennessee. 杰克森出生在卡罗莱纳的边远地区,他很早就越过奥利哈尼山到田纳西定居。
  Whenever trouble came to the Western people, whenever there was need of a stout heart and an iron will, Jackson was at the front. 无论何时遇到麻烦,无论何时需要胆气和坚定的意愿,西部人马上想到的就是杰克森。
  He always did his duty. 杰克森总是恪尽职守,
  And he always did his duty well. 他在尽责做事方面总是让人满意;
  Honest and sincere, he believed in himself and he believed in the American people. 杰克森为人正直、真诚,他自信并相信美国人民,
  As President he led the people in one of the stormiest periods in our history. 担任总统期间领导美国人民度过一段美国历史上最为艰难的时期。
  Able men gathered about him. 不少有才能的人聚集在杰克森周围,
  But he relied chiefly on the advice of a few friends who smoked their pipes with him and formed his "kitchen cabinet." 但他主要听从几个朋友的建议。这些人叼着烟斗和他一起抽烟,他们组成了杰克森的"厨房内阁"。
  He seldom called a regular cabinet meeting. 他很少召开正规的内阁会议,
  When he did call one, it was often merely to tell the members what he had decided to do. 即使召开一次,也常常仅仅是告知大家他已经决定做什么事。
  302. The Spoils System. 302."政党分赃制"
  Among the able men who had fought the election for Jackson were Van Buren and Marcy of New York and Buchanan of Pennsylvania. 纽约州的凡·伯伦和马西以及宾夕法尼亚州的布坎南为杰克森竞选总统立下汗马功劳,
  They had built up strong party machines in their states. 他们在各自所在的州建立起强大的政党机器,
  For they "saw nothing wrong in the principle that to the victors belong the spoils victory." 在他们看来,"将胜利的战利品给予得胜者这一原则没有什么不妥之处"。
  So they rewarded their party workers with offices-when they won. 因此,在他们获胜后,他们用职位酬谢其党徒。
  The Spoils System was now begun in the national government. 此时,国民政府开始发动这个奖励回馈制度,
  Those who had worked for Jackson rushed to Washington. 那些曾经为杰克森效力的人匆匆赶往华盛顿,
  The hotels and boarding-houses could not hold them. 旅馆与寄宿处都住满了人,
  Some of them camped out in the parks and public squares of the capital. 有的人在公园和首都的广场上露宿,
  Removals now went merrily on. 而官员的撤换也在欢快地进行,
  Rotation in office was the cry. "官位轮流做"是当时的口号。
  Before long Jackson removed nearly one thousand officeholders and appointed political partisans in their places. 不久,杰克森撤掉了近1000名职员,并任命政治党羽接替这些人的位子。