外贸英语话题王 第131期:海关问询(在线收听

   Questioning at the customs  海关问询

  May I help you? 有什么可以帮忙的吗?
  Yes, please. Could you tell me something about going through customs? 嗯,您能告诉我一些关于怎样通关的事吗?
  Certainly. What would you like to know?  当然可以。您想知道什么?
  Please go ahead. 尽管问吧。
  Thank you. What formalities do we passengers need to go through at the airport? 谢谢。乘客在机场通关需要哪些手续呢?
  There are some, but not many.  有一些,但不是很多,
  They won't take you a lot of time. 不会花费您太多的时间。
  OK, that will be fine. 那很好。
  Firstly you have to answer some questions from the officers. 首先,您要回答海关工作人员提出的一些问题。
  Like what? 比如什么呢?
  Your purpose of visiting, how long you will be staying, things like that. 假如您有什么需要申报或纳税的物品一定要提前申报并缴税。
  Well, that's easy. 这很简单啊。
  If you have brought something which has to be declared or something dutiable, you have to declare and pay duty on them first. 假如您有什么需要申报或缴税的物品一定要提前申报并纳税。
  I get it. Thank you so much. 明白了。非常感谢。
  You're quite welcome. 不必客气。