玩转商务英语900句 第8期:工作中你具体做什么(在线收听

   What did you exactly do in your previous job? 在之前的工作中你具体做什么呢?

  What did you exactly do in your previous job? 在之前的工作中你具体做什么呢?
  I'm in charge of investigating market potentiality in the field.  我负责调查相关领域的市场潜力。
  I was responsible for training. 我负责培训工作。
  What's your specific responsibility during your last job? 在上一份工作中,你具体负责什么呢?
  I was responsible for English training, some sort of teaching work. 我负责英语培训工作,类似教学这样的工作。