
 Now, already you may be saying of yourself, I'm not intriguing. 也许你们会评价自己,“我不是个有趣的人。

I am the 46th most boring person in the Western Hemisphere. 我在西半球最无趣排行榜上排第46名。
Or you may say of yourself, "I am intriguing, even if I am regarded by most people as a great, thundering twit." 也许你会评价自己,“我是个有趣的人,尽管大部分人都觉得我是个傻瓜。”
But it is your self-diagnosed boringness and your inherent "twitiness"  但正是你们这种自我认知的无聊,或者内在的“傻”,
that makes me, as a psychologist, really fascinated by you. So let me explain why this is so.  让我这个心理学家觉得非常有趣。我来解释一下为什么。
One of the most influential approaches in personality science is known as trait psychology, 人格心理学中最有影响力的方法叫做特质理论,
and it aligns you along five dimensions which are normally distributed,  它用5个正态分布的维度判定你,
and that describe universally held aspects of difference between people.  这5个维度描述了被广泛认同的人与人之间不同的5个方面。
They spell out the acronym OCEAN.  这5个方面的首字母缩写是OCEAN。
So, "O" stands for "open to experience," versus those who are more closed. “O”代表“开放性”,与之对立的是,那些不愿冒险的人。
"C" stands for "conscientiousness," in contrast to those with a more lackadaisical approach to life. “C”代表的是“责任感”,与之相反的是,那些懒散随意的人。
"E" -- "extroversion," in contrast to more introverted people. “E”指的是“外向性”,与之相对的是内向的人。
"A" -- "agreeable individuals," in contrast to those decidedly not agreeable. “A”——“宜人性”,与之相对的是,不那么和善的人。
And "N" -- "neurotic individuals," in contrast to those who are more stable. 最后是“N”—— “神经质”,与之相对的是那些,更加稳定平和的人。
All of these dimensions have implications for our well-being, for how our life goes. 这5个方面影响我们的健康,影响我们的人生走向。