
 I heard all of these things, but I didn't listen. 这些事都经过了我的耳朵,可惜我没有去仔细倾听。

I looked but didn't see. I read, didn't understand. 我看了,但是没看见。我读了,可是没理解。
I paid attention only when you began to vote and shout, 只有当你们去投票,去喊叫,只有当事情本身开始
and when your voting and shouting, when the substance of it, began to threaten me. 威胁到我自身的时候,我才会去注意到。
I listened only when you moved toward shattering continental unions and electing vulgar demagogues. 只有当你们前往各处大陆工会,当你们成为选举煽动者的时候,我才会真正听见。
Only then did your pain become of interest to me. 只有到那时候,你们的痛苦才能被我注意。
I know that feeling hurt is often prologue to dealing hurt. 我知道感到难受经常是解决问题序幕。
I wonder now if you would be less eager to deal it 我在想,若现在我和你们身处同一战线,
if I had stood with you when you merely felt it. 而你仅仅是感觉到了,你们会因此就不想去处理它吗?
I ask myself why I didn't stand with you then. 我质问自己,为什么没有和你站在一起。
One reason is that I became entranced by the gurus of change, 一个原因是我着迷于改变,
became a worshiper of the religion of the new for novelty's sake, 为了创新成为新新事物理念,
and of globalization and open borders and kaleidoscopic diversity. 成为全球化和开放性,成为多样性的拥护者。
Once change became my totalizing faith, I could be blind. 一旦“改变”成为了我的信仰,我就开始变得盲目。