
 Imagine if I let go of my habit of saving the world behind your back, 想像我放弃在你们背后拯救世界的习惯,

of deliberating on the future of your work, your food, your schools, in places where you couldn't get past security. 想像去放弃对在连安保都无法通过地方,你未来的工作,食物,学校的幻想。
We can do this only if we first accept that we have neglected each other. 我们只有先承认我们忽视了彼此,才可能做到这一点。
If there is hope to summon in this ominous hour, it is this. 如果在这不详的时刻有重新振作精神的希望,那就是这个。
We have, for too long, chased various shimmering dreams 我们已经追寻各种闪亮的梦想太久了,
at the cost of attention to the foundational dream of each other, 以最基本的对你我之间梦想的注意力为代价,
the dream of tending to each other, of unleashing each other's wonders, of moving through history together. 照顾彼此的梦想,释放彼此疑虑的梦想,共同跨越历史的梦想。
We could dare to commit to the dream of each other as the thing that matters before every neon thing. 我们应该敢于承认对于彼此的梦想,承认它比其他各色事情更重要。
Let us dare. Sincerely yours, a fellow citizen. 让我们敢于这么做。敬上,一个公民伙伴。