
 In Egypt, I'm told, it's rude to ignore a stranger, 在埃及,有人告诉我,无视陌生人是十分没有礼貌的做法,

and there's a remarkable culture of hospitality. 并且有很多关于友善的文化。
Strangers might ask each other for a sip of water. 陌生人之间可以分享饮用水,
Or, if you ask someone for directions, they're very likely to invite you home for coffee. 或者如果你向当地人问路,他们很有可能会邀请你到家里喝杯咖啡。
We see these unwritten rules most clearly when they're broken, 只有当这些规矩被打破的时候,
or when you're in a new place and you're trying to figure out what the right thing to do is. 或者我们在新环境中想要入乡随俗,才会注意到这些本来习以为常的规矩。
Sometimes breaking the rules a little bit is where the action is. 有时候稍微破坏一下规矩就可以发现正确的举动。
In case it's not clear, I really want you to do this. OK? 万一正确的举动并不是那么明确,我很希望你们能这样做。
So here's how it's going to go. 可以试着这样寻求帮助。
Find somebody who is making eye contact. That's a good signal. 找一个和你在进行眼神交流的人。有眼神交流是一个很好的信号。
The first thing is a simple smile. 你首先要做的是微微一笑。
If you're passing somebody on the street or in the hallway here, smile. See what happens. 如果你在街道上或是走廊里与人擦肩而过,微笑一下,看看会发生什么。
Another is triangulation. There's you, there's a stranger, 另外要做的一件事是三角评估。在这个三角形中有你,一个陌生人,
there's some third thing that you both might see and comment on, 以及一件你们都能看到或者评价的物品,
like a piece of public art or somebody preaching in the street or somebody wearing funny clothes. 比如说一件艺术展品,或者是在街道上传教的人,或者是衣着滑稽的人。
Give it a try. Make a comment about that third thing, and see if starts a conversation. 试试看。对第三件事情稍加点评,看能不能开始一段对话。