篮球英文堂 第200期:詹皇之湖人 勇士挥之不去的噩梦(在线收听

   There was an idea 曾经有个想法

  To bring together a group of remarkable people 把一群厉害的人聚在一起
  To see if we could become something more 看看我们能成就什么
  So when they needed us 所以当人们需要我们时
  We could fight the battles 我们可以为他们
  That they never could 打他们打不赢的仗
  In time, you'll know what's like to lose, feel so desperately that you are right, yet to fail all the same 你们迟早会尝到失败的滋味,明知道自己是对的,但最终还是会输
  Dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives 害怕吧,逃跑吧,命运终将会降临
  Evacuate the city 全城撤离
  Engage all defenses 全员戒备
  And get this man a shield 给他一个盾牌
  Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe, but this does put a smile on my face 维护宇宙平衡并不有趣,但是这的确让我感到高兴