
     Did you on Madonna week?I just hope you are.Yes. I love seeing that video by the way. 你有参加麦当娜周吗 我希望你参加了 我参加了 而且我超喜欢那个录像

  I have a funny story.My parents actually live below her in New York. 有趣的是 我父母在纽约时实际上就住在她楼下
  Back in I don't know when,back in when they lived in New York, 忘了大概什么时候 他们还住纽约时
  which was like 25 years ago. Um-hmm.And she used to have just like this overflow of club invites. 大约25年前  -嗯 她曾受邀参加很多俱乐部活动 像这样爆满的活动
  Out of her mail box.And so they drop in on some of clubs. 邮箱都被挤爆了 所以我父母他们也顺便去了这样的一些俱乐部
  Madonna was invited too.Your parents would go to the clubs that Madonna was invited too? Yeah.You have hip parents. I know.Wow. 麦当娜也参加的 你父母也会去参加 有麦当娜出席的活动吗 是的 好潮的老爸老妈 是的 哇哦
  And is,  are they like clubbing type people?Em, well.I'm just gonna answer that for you, No. 但 他们像泡俱乐部的人吗 呃 好吧 我帮你回答那问题 不像
  Oh, look at that.They do not look like they are go clubbing any time soon. 快看 他们看起来确实不像 之前有参加过什么俱乐部
  Like were they stay there once they got there,will they go: "Oh, no. this is not for us." 看起来一旦他们到了那儿 他们就会说"哦不 这不是我们待的地儿"
  will they stay?I think they would stay.I think they are that kind. 他们会留下吗 我想他们会的 他们就是那样的人
  Em, they had more invites for new years than I did, to be honest.I was the one that drive through. 额 实话说 新年邀请 们收的比我还多 我才是没有存在感的那个
  And they were at a golf club in Hollywood.Wow.  而且他们还是好莱坞一家高尔夫俱乐部的会员 哇哦