
   Yeah, I mean, I don't know if you saw the movie "Selma". 没错 我不知道你们有没有看过电影"塞尔玛游行"

  And if you haven't, you should see it.It's so important, and I thought... 如果你们没有看过 真得需要去看一下 这部电影很有意义 而且我认为
  Oprah did a beautiful job of the movie. - Yeah, absolutely. 奥普拉这部电影制作得太好了  -对 绝对的
  And... And it reminds us that we cannot take our right to vote for granted. 而且  它告诉我们 我们不能认为我们享有 投票权是件理所当然的事情
  No. Cause too many people...No.Sacrified for that right, so...That ah...Yeah... 是的  -因为太多人 是的 为了争取这项权利而做出了牺牲 所以 那是 对
  That scene in the movie of them marching,it's heartbreaking. 电影里他们游行的那一幕 看得人心碎
  It's really heartbreaking.And...But to be there, 真的看得人心碎 但是 看到电影里面
  The President of the United States standing there... 美利坚合众国的总统站在那里
  That's... that's a powerful, powerful day. 那真是 有深远意义的一天
  We have to take a break.I think we have an another challenge. 我们要稍作休息 我想我们要完成另外一个挑战
  Last time it was push-ups,we have a different challenge this time. 上次我们做了俯卧撑 这次来点不一样的
  So we'll see what it is. We will be back. 等下看到底是什么 稍后回来
  A push-up competition again? No.No. The "Gimme Five" Dance.No, no. 又是俯卧撑比赛 不是 不是 是"击掌"舞 不 不
  Don't make me take off my jacket.You just took a selfie with the real First Lady. 不要逼我脱掉外套 你刚刚跟第一夫人合拍了张自拍照
  How cool was that?So real. How crazy the show.How crazy the show it is. 是不是很酷 好真实 这个节目太不可思议了 真是不可思议