
 Pressure Increases on US to Change Myanmar Policy

Amid a brutal military crackdown that started in August of 2017,more than 700 thousand Rohingyas have fled their homes in Myanmar’s Rakhine State to camps in neighboring Bangladesh.


The US State Department commissioned the public international law and policy group or PILPGto send a team to the camps to interview hundreds of refugees and to carefully document human rights violations.


Both the PILPG and the US Holocaust Museum have now issued statements concluding that Myanmar committed genocide against the Rohingyas.


It is clear from our intense legal reviewthat there is in fact a legal basis to conclude that the Rohingyas were the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.


As such we believe there a sufficient basis to bring international criminal proceedings against the perpetrators of this violenceand recommend that the international community pursue legal accountability for the atrocity crimes committed in the Rakhine State against the Rohingyas.


Experts who have interviewed survivors and more zones across the world said they were shocked by what they heard.


There were efforts to humiliate people not just kill them or harm them but to terrorize them.


For its part Myanmar denies wrongdoing saying its crackdown was part of a legitimate response to what it terms terrorism in Rakhine State.


The Trump administration has accused Myanmar of ethnic cleansing and has placed sanctions on some officialsbut has been reluctant to use the term genocide which would trigger additional measures.


On Monday the US ambassador to Bangladesh Earl Miller paid his first visit to Cox’s Bazar known as the world’s largest refugee Camp.

周一,美国驻孟加拉国大使厄尔·米勒(Earl Miller)首次前往被称为世界上最大难民地----科克斯巴扎尔(Cox’s Bazar)。

The United States is doing along with other international donors.


It is our assistance that is not just for Rohingya ,it’s for all of the people in Cox’s Bazarand we have an equal amount of aid going to what we call the host communities but actually we’re all one community, aren’t we ?


The US House of Representatives is expected to pass a resolution as early as next week declaring the Rohingyas our victims of genocide.

