
   I don't understand how you've been keeping this from me 我不明白的是 你怎么可以一直瞒着我

  What,that I love her.No the detergent you've been using,It didn't smell like regular detergent 不明白什么 我爱她 不是你用的洗衣液 闻起来太不寻常了
  I can't help but wonder if it's dyes and perfume-free 我不禁怀疑它是不是不含任何染色剂和香水
  You bet it is,what you're smelling is all me kiten 那当然 你闻到的全是我的味道 小猫
  Prove it,let me smell your shirt 证明给我看 让我问问你的衬衣
  Wow,Tide Free really does offer a tide clean that free of dyes and perfumes 哇 汰渍无味洗衣液确实不含任何染色剂和香水
  I can smell with my sister's smells in you 我甚至可以在你身上闻到我妹妹的味道
  But what I don't know is why you put the washer and dryer in the living room 但我不明白的是为什么你要把洗衣机放在客厅里呢
  Today's episode of As The Tide Turns was brought to you by hold on to your heads. 本期《每当潮汐变幻时》由以下企业赞助播出
  Tide.And Ice,taste the crunch 汰渍洗涤用品 还有冰块 品尝咬碎冰块的味道吧
  Ok,thank you Bryan Berhoft and the cast of X Factor.Tune in tomorrow for more As The Tide Turns 好的 感谢Bryan Bernahoft 和《X音素》的评委们 明天请准时收看下集《每当潮汐变幻时》
  I want you all be able find the right Tide for you,So everyone here is going home with a one-year-supply.I'll see you tomorrow,bye 现在每位观众都将获得为期一年的汰渍洗涤用品 希望大家都能找到合适你们的汰渍 明天同一时间 再见