
 Our first guest is one of the Hollywood true movie stars with films like Glory,Malcolm X and Philadelphia. 我们的第一位嘉宾是真正的好莱坞明星 他拍过《光荣》《黑潮》《费城故事》

His latest movie Safe House opens today,Take a look. 他的最新作品《藏身之所》今日上映 来看看吧
You can't expect to have a real relationship in our line of work,Matthew. 你别期望做我们这行还能有真感情 Matthew
Don't worry,she's not gonna leave you,see what happens is, 别担心 她不会离开你的 事情是这样
You try to protect her with lies and then stalls step up, 你在试图用谎言和托辞保护她
At the safe house he said they'd kill me to get to you. 在安全屋他说他们会为了找到你把我杀了
Why?After a while even the truth starts to sound like a lie, 为什么 过了一段时间 真话也听着像谎言
You have something.you got some what whey want.What is it. 你有东西 你有他们想要的 是什么
Don't worry about her,Oh,it's. 别问她担心 的确是
Please welcome two times Academy Awards winner Denzel Washington.Felt good. 掌声欢迎两度奥斯卡影帝丹泽尔·华盛顿 真好
Hey,Denzel,how are you?I'm good,how are you?Ooh is right.  嘿 丹泽尔 还好吗 很好 你呢 惊叫就对了
So happy to have you here,you were actually,we were in New York shooting, 真开心你能来上节目 之前我们在纽约录影的时候
and you were on the show when we were in New York.Right. 你有上过我们节目 是的
But you've never been out here in Los Angeles,So welcome.thank you. 但是你从来没来洛杉矶的录音棚过 欢迎你 谢谢
It's nice to have you here,nice you see you. 能请到你很开心 很高兴见到你
You are,you live in New York,right? 你住在纽约是吧
I live in New York and LA.Born and raised in New York.Both places. 纽约跟洛杉矶 土生土长的纽约客 两个家
And so,But you must be happy about the Giants,right?I am. 你一定非常为巨人队开心吧 是的