
 I feel so stupid,I swear I'm not.No,take another guess,take your time,take another, 我觉得我好笨啊 实际上我真的不笨 别急 再猜一次 慢慢来

I'm just like completely breaking.Bell?Bell.No.Alexander Graham Bell. 我感觉完全乱了 Bell Bell 不是 Alexander Graham Bell
Are you,that's a part of the name. 你 我答对了一部分
You are right,that was part of the name.All right. 确实答对了一部分 好吧
Jubliee,Cee Lo Green has four nominations this year,what show is Cee Lo a judge on? Jubliee Cee Lo Green今年获得四项提名 请问Cee Lo担任哪个节目的评委
X-factor?No.wait,wait,wait. X-factor 错 等等 等等
If I answer it correctly,do I win?No.You are ready?yeah.Ok. 如果我回答正确 算我赢吗 不行 准备好了吗 准备好了 好
The first Grammy for rap performance went to Dj jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, 格莱美第一个最佳说唱歌手的获得者是 Dj Jazzy Jeff和Fresh Prince
What's the Fresh Prince's real name? 请问 The Fresh Prince的本名是什么
Wait,like Will Smith?like,yes,exactly. 我想想 Will Smith 回答正确
All right,congratulations,Dada,you win.Oh my God.Great job. 祝贺你Dana 你赢了 天啊 非常好
you win,so you're gonna go to the Grammys, 你赢了 可以现场观看格莱美典礼
But if you hadn't lost,she wouldn't have won,So you are both going to the Grammys. 但是如果你没输 她就不会赢 所以你们两都可以去看格莱美
Also,also,these things are so cool, 还有 这种东西很酷
these are headphones that they are Sol Republic tracks,and they are indestructible,interchangeable, 这些耳机由Sol Replublic制造 非常坚固 可以互换
So you can swap out the different colors,and they have great sound,and the best part about it is I have enough for everybody in my audience. 所以你可以更换不同颜色 而且音质非常好 最棒的是 每个参加节目的人都将得到一个