美国小学英语教材6:第48课 金黄色的彩虹泥沼(4)(在线收听

 Unwillingly he then turned away from the charming spot. 他不情愿地离开了这个欢乐之地。

Pausing a few moments later for a last glimpse at father catfish and his babies, 之后又停下脚步,再最后看了看大头鱼爸爸和孩子们,
the boy thought that the little black wriggling mass had grown smaller, even during the short time he had spent at the lotus bed. 小男孩觉得这些四处摇摆的小大头鱼群变小了,即使在莲花旁呆了一小会也能够发现。
Yet tarry he could not, for the afternoon was now well spent. 但他没法停留在此,这个是不愉快的下午。
When he arrived at the place where he had crossed the slough, 当他穿过沼泽到达对面,
there arose the problem of how to get the heavy bunch of lilies over the pond. 问题出现了,他如何拿着沉重的百合花越过池塘。
He needed both hands to hold his clothes upon his head, and the added burden of lilies would have sunk his head too low in the water. 他需要将两只手举过头顶拿着衣服,沉重的百合会让他的头接近水面。
The lilies must be towed, yet he could not spare a hand to hold them. 他必须能拖动百合,但却没有手去拿。
What was he to do? Ah, he had it, a towing rope of braided grass, just the thing. 他怎么办?有了,用草编织的托绳一定可以。
In a few moments he had a loop of the grass rope about his arm; 过了不一会,他的肩膀上就出现了一圈草编绳;
the bundle of lilies was attached to the other end of the rope so that it floated out behind. 捆好的百合放在绳子的另一端,这样百合就可以漂浮在小男孩身后。
The little fellow was a queer-looking object as he slowly but steadily crossed that wide lily pond. 当他缓慢平稳地穿越宽宽的百合池塘时,后面的包裹看似有些奇怪。
Twice he let his tired legs feel for bottom before he reached the other side, wading out to shore. 在抵达对岸之前,他让腿在池塘底部休息了两次,之后走上了岸边。