美国小学英语教材6:第49课 金黄色的彩虹泥沼(5)(在线收听

 Tied to the bank near by, there was an old flat-bottomed boat, partly filled with water. 岸边捆绑了一艘平底船,一半都溢满了水。

On the seat of this boat the boy rested while his feet were drying. 小男孩在船上的椅子上休息,同时把脚晾干。
By the time he had again put on his shoes and stockings, the sun was fast going down the hills. 在重新穿好鞋子和长袜后,太阳马上就要落山了。
Already the nighthawks were beginning to wing their way over the meadows with their hungry babies in close pursuit; 夜鷹已开始在牧场上飞翔,它们饥饿的孩子在后面紧追不舍,
many tree swallows swung back and forth, taking their evening dips in the waters of the lily pond. 许多树燕来回飞舞,在莲花池中洗个澡。
While he was yet a long way from home, dusk settled down; 他距离家还有很长的路要走,但天色已晚;
the little screech owls came out of their holes in the hollow trees and followed beside him along the railroad track. 小鸣角鸮从树上的洞穴中钻出,它们沿着铁道在小男孩身旁跟随。
They kept him company with their quavering owl talk, reminding him of his pet owl at home. 震颤的猫头鹰叫声成为了小男孩的伴侣,这让他想起了家里的猫头鹰宠物。
Indeed, their tremulous call, like quiet laughter, was such a touch of home to him that he whoo-whooed and laughed in return. 没错,它们颤抖的叫声就像轻声欢笑一样,让他有了家的感觉,他用欢笑和鸟鸣声回应。
The way now did not seem nearly so long, and the weight of the lotus blossoms swinging over his back 这条路似乎没有那么长,盛开的百合在他的后背摇摆,
by the rope of grass was almost forgotten. 这些百合用草绳拴住,他似乎忘了肩上的重量。
He could laugh though his feet were heavy and his shoulders tired, for his heart was light with the success of what he had done. 尽管他的脚感到沉重,他的肩膀很累,但他还能微笑,因为他的心因为成功而喜悦。
About nine that night a tired but happy boy stepped into the gleaming lamplight of his home. 当晚九点左右,一个疲惫,但却兴奋的小男孩走进了家里明亮的灯光下。
No need to ask where he had been, for there was but one place where those lilies grew, 无需问他去了哪里,因为这些莲花只会在一个地方开放,
and the mother's eyes shone brightly as the tired little naturelover laid the precious lilies in her lap. 当这个疲惫,热爱自然的小男孩将珍贵的莲花放在妈妈的腿上时,她的眼睛闪烁光芒。