向前一步:第175期 全能女人是个神话(8)(在线收听

 One day, Larry gathered everyone together for a talk. 有一天,卡纳里克召集了所有人,

He explained that since he was running the office, employees came to him when they wanted to quit. 跟大家解释说因为他是办事处负责人,所以员工辞职的时候都会去找他。
Over time, he noticed that people quit for one reason only: they were burnt out, tired of working long hours and traveling. 时间长了,他就注意到,人们辞职只有一个原因:他们都感到筋疲力尽,厌倦了无尽的工作和出差。
Larry said he could understand the complaint, but what he could not understand was that all the people who quit — every single one — had unused vacation time. 卡纳里克说,他很理解这样的抱怨,但他不能理解的是,其实每个辞职者都还没主动休过假。
Up until the day they left, they did everything McKinsey asked of them before deciding that it was too much. 直到离职那天,他们才发现公司要求的事情他们都已经完成,而且自己的确做得太多了。
Larry implored us to exert more control over our careers. 卡纳里克诚恳地请求我们更好地管理自己的事业。
He said McKinsey would never stop making demands on our time, so it was up to us to decide what we were willing to do. 他说,麦肯锡对我们时间的要求是无止境的,所以工作的决定权其实在我们自己手里,
It was our responsibility to draw the line. 我们有责任划定界限。
We needed to determine how many hours we were willing to work in a day and how many nights we were willing to travel. 我们需要决定一天中工作多长时间,一个月出差几个晚上。
If later on, the job did not work out, we would know that we had tried on our own terms. 如果工作成绩不尽如人意,我们也会知道自己已经尽了力。
Counterintuitively, long-term success at work often depends on not trying to meet every demand placed on us. 但有违直觉的是,在工作上不断取得成功,则需要尝试着不要去完成公司交代给我们的每一项事情。
The best way to make room for both life and career is to make choices deliberately — to set limits and stick to them. 为生活和事业腾出空间的最好方法,就是有意识地做出选择,并设定好界限,然后严格地遵从这些界限。
During my first four years at Google, I was in the office from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day at a minimum. 我在谷歌的头4年里,每天都会从早上7点工作到晚上7点。
I ran the global operating teams and thought it was critical that I stay on top of as many details as possible. 当时我负责管理全球运营团队,认为自己尽可能地亲力亲为非常重要。